Prayer For Our World

Forgive those of us
who haven't used their power wisely.
Give us and our leaders the courage
to think beyond our own economies;
to seek genuine partnerships
so that all people can experience the fullness of life,
and that our planet is known to be the common home
for all creation and future generations.

Loving God, Lord of heaven and earth,
this earth, our home, belongs to you.
Give us grace to love it as you do.
Give us courage to give ourselves, as you do,
for the good of all people and all of your creation.
Strengthen us to stand, as you do,
with the vulnerable poor.
Give us wisdom to know when we have enough,
and the voice to say enough
to all that harms creation and hurts the poorest.
This earth, our home, belongs to you.

Creator God, who made our beautiful world,

appointed us as its guardians

and gifted us with everything we need,

forgive us

for the times we cause it harm;

for the times our way of life

affects our neighbours.

Inspire us

to care for the environment;

to help rebuild lives and communities;

to share in the griefs and anxieties,

joys and hopes of all your people,

so that all your creation may flourish.


May everything we do lead us one step closer to You. Let the witness of our lives lead others to Jesus. Heal us, Father.

This world is hard, but not impossible with You. May we bear witness to many miracles in our lives and sing of the glory each brings to You. Let us honor You with our gifts, loving the people You place in our lives. Help us to submit to You and work diligently for You. Bless our lives with truth and love. Lead us and be with us.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


The state of our world convicts us and causes us to cling to You for dear life. The volatile history of mankind's fallen nature is recorded in Scripture. Human history is scarred. The deplorable conditions of our world continue to increase.

Bless and heal the world, Father. Come, Lord Jesus. May Your love comfort every soul as only You can. Bring hope to the hopeless and unity where there is conflict.

Motivate us by love to work together, gathering souls for Christ. Show us our place, Father, and embolden us to obey Your direction. While our world is crumbling, You remain the same loving, defending, and protecting Father. Amidst the rebellion and destruction, You reached down to restore us to the light of Your presence through Jesus.

Bless and preserve this nation under the shadow of Your almighty wing. Remind us always to live by Your mercy and not by our merit, for You cause the rain and the sunshine to fall upon the good and the wicked alike. Grant safety to all who dwell in our land, both the citizen and the guest, that all who live here may go about their daily business without fear or terror. Bless our land with peace and unity, bountiful harvest and productive labor. Defend us from every danger, and guard and protect us from all evil; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

O Lord God of infinite mercy, we humbly implore You to look down on the nations now engaged in war. Do not count Your people's sins against them, but grant them true repentance, that the lusts of the human heart may be conquered by Your Spirit of gentleness and righteousness. Look in mercy on those immediately exposed to peril. Comfort the prisoners, relieve the sufferings of the wounded, and show mercy to the dying. According to Your good and gracious will, remove the causes and occasions of this war, and restore peace among the nations; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

O God, Protector of all people and nations,
protect my family and friends at home
from the violence and evil of others.
Keep them safe from the weapons of hate and destruction
and guard them against the deeds of evildoers.
Grant them your protection and care
in tranquility and peace.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.