Prayer For Outpouring Of The Holy Spirit

Oh Lord, help us restore our hearts to You. Help us learn to pray fervently for our hearts to change for our hearts to be more compassionate and filled with Jesus' supernatural love. Help us to love our neighbours, for those we disagree with, for those who have hurt us and for those who are far from You. Open our minds and hearts to see everyone as Your children. Help us to pray for them by name. In Your Name, Jesus. Amen.

Lord God, you promised not to leave us orphaned but to remain with us always. Be with us in our confusion and disappointment when we do not know what to do. Grant that we may hear your call to silence and prayer and withdraw to our upstairs room. There we ask you to pour out on us afresh your Holy Spirit that we may be better witnesses to you in our families, parishes and places of work.

Holy Spirit, teach me to pray in this season and always. Help me to pray the will of the Father and not pray amiss in Jesus name. I pray for a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Yemisi Vese and all the other ministers at the Throne Room Encounter meeting for signs and wonders in Jesus name. Amen

Lord we ask today for a fresh filling and baptism of the Holy Spirit on my life and that of everyone attending the Throne Room Encounter meetings and let there be a break out of fresh revelation, prophecies, visions and dreams in Jesus name.

Holy Father, we declare that Your Spirit will be poured out upon the 19th Annual Prayer Explosion Conference is a mighty way. As Your Spirit saturates every speaker, psalmist, musician, conferee, and volunteer; Your sons and daughters will prophesy; Your old men will dream dreams and Your young men will see visions. We declare that everyone who will attend this conference will be filled, empowered by, and overflowing with Your Spirit. Your servants, both male and female will abundantly receive Your Spirit in Jesus' Name. We confess that as we are all gathered at the conference on one accord, a mighty rushing wind will fill The Kingdom Builders' Center and everyone will be filled with the Holy Spirit and begin to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gives us utterance. Father, it is the infilling of the Holy Spirit that empowers us to be witnesses for You in the earth. We declare that everyone who attends this conference will be set free; for where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty in Jesus' Name!

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the 19th Annual Prayer Explosion Conference. Thank You for redeeming and reconciling us back to You, through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to comfort, empower and guide us here on earth. Holy Spirit, we are thankful to You, for Your manifested presence during the 19th Annual Prayer Explosion Conference. Lord, the earth is Yours, and everything that is in it; the world and all its people belong to You. You laid the earth's foundation on the seas and built it on the ocean depths. You are the King of glory. You are strong and mighty; You are invincible in battle. You are an awesome God.

Father, I know there needed to be only one Pentecost, but in light of that great historical event and in keeping with promises you have made, I plead with glad expectancy. So fill us with the Holy Spirit that onlookers will question our sobriety and sanity. Restore to us the joy of the salvation you have freely given us in Jesus. Fill our hearts and mouths with your praises. Forgive us for being satisfied with a correct theology of the Spirit, but with little evidence of the Spirit's power and presence in our hearts and churches. Amen

Lord, we ask You for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Pour out You Spirit on us! We need revival. Pour out Your Spirit on both men and women, young and old, slave and free. Pour out Your Spirit! Clean out our ears so we can hear Your word and speak Your word. Let us prophesy (I Corinthians 14:1)! Let us move in the gifts of the Spirit ( I Corinthians 12:31). Prepare us for the epic battle ahead. Do a shock and awe campaign that sends chills down the back of the wicked. Make the sky Your billboard advertising You are alive and well. Make our job easy. In this outpouring of Your Spirit we are asking for souls. Give us a harvest of people calling on Your name. We request a mass escape from the kingdom of darkness. Give us a total jail break. When they call on Your name, You will save them. People who have survived slavery and abuse in the Kingdom of darkness will run free. They will discover the freedom found in Your kingdom; Your governance; Your rule. Father in desperation and in faith we ask again for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and for the advancement of Your kingdom in the name of Jesus! Amen!