Prayer For Our Troops

Heavenly Father, thank you that your perfect love drives out fear. When our brothers and sisters in the military feel daunted by the pressures of their work, increase their faith that they may depend on your strength for their success. May they know your all-conquering power in their life and work. Thank you that you feed your people from the tree of life and give us living water to drink so that we may be satisfied in you. Be exalted above the heavens, O God. Let Your glory be above all the earth. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Bless the families of troops who bear these pains vicariously. Give them patience and wisdom and strength to endure, and more than endure to hope in faith for a blessed life. God, not everything that happens in life is good. But you promise to work all things together for good to those who love you and align their lives with your purpose. Create good in the families of veterans who have experienced pain and loss. Do this miracle, we pray.

Father, we declare that freedom of utterance has been given to our troops; and therefore, they are opening their mouths to proclaim boldly the mystery of the gospel. (Ephesians 6:19).Father, we declare that our troops are working out, cultivating, carrying out to the goal and fully completing their own salvation, with reverence, awe and tremblingself-distrust, seriouscaution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against temptationtimidly shrinking from WHATEVER might offend You and discredit the name of Christ. NOT in their OWN strength, for it is You Who are all the while effectually at work in themenergizing and creating in them the POWER and DESIREboth to WILL and to WORK for Your good pleasure, satisfactionand delight. (Philippians 2:12-13).Thank You, Father, that You Who began a good work in our troops are continuing to developthat good work and perfecting and bringing it to FULL COMPLETION in them. (Philippians1:6).

O God, in this time of adversity, be for us a Refuge, and in battle our Consolation, that, in the end, when You shall come to judge the earth, we, who have followed You in sorrow, might be partakers with You in joy; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Blessed Lord, You commissioned Your disciples to continue the work which the Father sent You into the world to do. Support with Your Word and Spirit those who minister in the armed forces of our country. Give them grace to preach the Gospel boldly and to administer Your sacraments faithfully. Strengthen them in temptation, and give them courage in the perils of their calling, that they might glorify You before all people; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

All-powerful and ever-living God,
when Abraham left his native land
and departed from his people
you kept him safe through all his journeys.
Protect these soldiers.
Be their constant companion and their strength in battle,
their refuge in every adversity.
Guide them, O Lord, that they may return home in safety.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Father, God

Some of our troops have experienced injuries from all sides: minor to critical. Lord, You are the Great Physician! Heal the wounds that our brave men and women have encountered while protecting us. Lord, if You have allowed them injury so that they turn to You, I pray that they will cry out to You. Father, be with the families of those who are in critical condition. The desperation and fear can be so intense. Please, Lord, give them peace and heal their loved ones. I thank you for these brave men and women! I love You! Amen

Father in Heaven,

I pray for our troops who are in intense encounters right now. Some of them are under fire and they need You now more than ever to come out safely. Father, guide every step and decision they make in these crucial situations. Give them the knowledge of when to move and when to stay still. Give them the power to overcome the enemy and remain safe. Lord, fight alongside our troops. Father, I pray that You would incapacitate the enemy to the point that they can't even stand. Make them drop. Please, stop the plans of the enemy that wants to hurt our troops. We put our trust in You in these extreme encounters. We love you! Amen