Prayer For Opening Day Of School

Dear young people, love Jesus Christ more and
more!. Our life is a response to his call and you
will be happy and will build your life well if you
can answer this call. May you feel the Lord's
presence in your life. He is close to you as a
companion, as a friend who knows how to help
and understand you, who encourages you in
difficult times and never abandons you

Dearest Father in Heaven, Bless us all and bless this day of new beginnings. Smile upon this staff and student body, And surround us, Lord, with the soft mantle of your love. Teach this community to follow in your footsteps, And to live life in the ways of Love, faith, hope and charity. We ask this through your name, Jesus Christ Amen

Loving Creator, Map your goals for us in our hearts. Make our classrooms oases in the busy world. Make them places of warmth and trust. May our affirmation of our students enable them to know that their opinion counts. Free them to stretch themselves as they seek holistic growth in a safe, nurturing, Christian environment. Amen

Lord, You have promised, that if we train up a child in the way that they should go, when they are old they will not depart from it. I claim this promise today and every day, and ask that You would help me to reinforce the truth of the gospel in the days that lie ahead. I pray that my little one will grow strong in the faith, and that their school education will help to reinforce rather than weaken their trust in the Lord Jesus, in Whose name I pray,


Father, I have sought to bring up my child in the way they should go and diligently taught them the truth of Scripture and that Jesus is their Saviour Who died for their sins and rose again, so that by believing on Him they will receive everlasting life. I have taught them to turn to You for all their needs and necessities, but Lord at times I feel that the current school system has strayed so far away from the truth of the gospel and I am concerned that they are not led away from all that they have learned throughout their early years of their life.

Dear Father God,

Today, I ask You for godly, loyal friends for my child(ren). Friends who love purity, who are pure in heart, and gracious in speech, friends that will sharpen them and love them at all times. Please give my child(ren) a heart of compassion. Help him/her/them to see situations from every perspective and to treat others like they would want to be treated. Give him/her/them a friendly and kind spirit. May he/she/they welcome friends with a smile. God I pray my child(ren) would be wise when choosing friends. Give him/her/them discernment to find true friends and help them to build each other up. Give them the ability to say no when necessary and bravery to stand up for what is right. In Jesus name I/we pray, Amen.

Dear God, Today I come to you in prayer Lord, asking you to help my child(ren) experience peace this year. I pray he/she/they will not worry about things they cannot control, but that You will guard his/her/their hearts and minds and keep him/her/them trusting in You.

We lift each member of staff to You and each child as well as every member of the board, and ask You continued blessing over each and every life and that they would seek Your wisdom and guidance, courage and strength in all issues and areas that touch their lives. Keep us ever humble before Your throne and give us the integrity to stand up for what we believe, in Jesus' name.

So into You hands we place this meeting, trusting You to lead and guide our meeting tonight and protect our school in the future, to Your praise and glory. We pray this in Jesus' name,
