Prayer For Obedience To God

Let us pray

Heavenly Father, we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful Name of Jesus Christ.

Where two or more are gathered there You'll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.

Lord, I don't to just be calling other women to become intercessors, but I want to be a woman of prayer. I know that that's an expression of humility when we cry out to You and we say, Lord, we need You. Forgive me for the self-reliance and the independence that makes me think I can do anything without seeking Your face, without crying out to You, without being a woman of prayer.

Lord, may we come under Your authority. Lord, I pray that we would be clothed in the love that is humble and that we would be encouragers of our pastors, of husbands, of the men that you have placed in leadership in the body of Christ. That we would not be whiners, not murmurers, not complainers. Give us, Lord, a spirit of contentment, satisfied with what You have provided and not demanding that we have more or that things go our way.

Thank You for leading me, God. I pray that Your strength and wisdom would be with me as I make decisions that follow Your path. Help me to put Your Word to the test in my life so that my obedience will be a blessing to everyone who sees You working in me. Lord, help me to stay focused on You so the obstacles that come up won't seem impossible to overcome. I know all things are possible through You, and I thank You for the privilege of doing any small task that brings You glory. Let my name be forgotten, Lord, and Yours be remembered. Amen.

Lord, I am at Your mercy because of my many faults. I have been following my own desires in certain areas of life instead of being obedient to You. I am so sorry, Lord. I am feeling the consequences of my poor choices and now I come to You with sorrow in my heart. I should have obeyed You from the start, but sin enticed me. Father, Your desires are what matter. I want to follow Your desires for me. Please forgive me for bad choices. I want to feel close to You again. I do love You and I am so sorry for the man/woman I have been lately. I praise You, Lord! Amen

Lord, you made it clear that if I walk in obedience, I will live a full life with you. Being obedient will cause an overflow of abundant blessings within my life. Help me to not be as King Saul, for he lost everything through disobedience.

Remind me, Oh Heavenly Father, that disobedience is a form of rebellion towards you and, as you have clearly stated, if I reject You and Your Word, you will reject me from your heavenly kingdom.

Lord, the eyes of my heart are on You and my confidence is in Your Word. Inspire, convict, teach and correct me I pray, through the Scriptures, and may I develop a teachable and correctable spirit, in submission to the leading and guidance of Your Holy Spirit.

Help me to look into the mirror of Your Word and let its truth search out areas in me that need to be rooted out. May I grow in humble obedience to Your ways and help me to reflect the love of the Lord Jesus in my walk and word. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Thank You, God, that You are my Saviour. Thank You, Father, for Your Word of Truth and thank You, Lord, that You desire to transform all Your children into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus, as we depend on You for all things. Father, I want to live a godly life and live in humility of heart and in obedience to Your Word.