Prayer For Nursing Student Before Exam

Almighty God our heavenly Father, you declare your glory and show forth your handiwork in the heavens and in the earth. Deliver us in our nursing practice from the service of self alone, that we may do the work you give us to do in truth and beauty and for the common good; for the sake of him who came among us as one who serves, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

May rest find you,
In the peaceful moments when all is still,
In the quiet times when you pause
And breathe.

May rest find you
In the chaos of the moment
In the sorrow you seek to heal.

May rest strengthen and bless you.
May it fill your spirit
And give you unearned joy.

May you find rest in the care of others,
In the knowledge of your worth,
In the value of your service.

May the One who gives rest
Bless you and hold you close.
And may you, in your very being,
Be a place of rest for others.


Dear Lord,

Today, we pray for your peace. We pray that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard the hearts and minds of ____. We also ask for courage. We remember that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Please, grant ____ your spirit of courage. Grant them a sound mind as they make decisions. We pray for all the physicians, nurses, and health care providers involved in this situation. May they be blessed with the wisdom and grace needed to provide the best care possible.

In His name,


Father, I pray that You would bestow on them the strength, dedication and skill that's needed to face the many challenges to their nursing training and skills, especially when they are weary or tired. And I pray that You would use those nurses that are Your children to be a true witness to Your love and grace. In Jesus' name,


Dear Heavenly Father, how I thank You for those men and women who have dedicated themselves to nursing the sick and dying, and I pray that You would give them strength and grace as they tend to the ailments, injuries and sicknesses of so many people in their care. Give them the strength and courage to be able to face the many hurts and health problems of those that come into their clinics or hospital, and I ask that You would give them wisdom and patience to tend to the sick with kindness, and to be able to minister graciously to those that are facing problems or severe illnesses. Amen

Give to my heart, Oh Lord
Compassion and understanding.
Give to my hands skill and tenderness.
Give to my ears the ability to listen.
Give to my lips words of comfort.

Give to me, Lord
Strength for this selfless service.
And enable me to give hope
To those I am called to serve.


Now more than ever, I need your light to guide me in this ordeal, light which I will pass to those losing hope. Let me have the vigor to work more so that I can do more for others. Strengthen my body, mind, and soul so that my patients can lean on me for healing and support.

That we ask in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ.

As I care for those afflicted, I pray that my actions will create a difference to foster healing, my words to encourage and soothe the sick's delicate body and weary mind.

In my hands, grant me your healing grace, dear Lord. Let your immeasurable love shine through everything I do. So those who are suffering may feel your divine grace.
