Prayer For My Unborn Baby Boy

Lord, You are my Dwelling Place, and I rest in the knowledge that evil will not come near me and no sickness or infirmity will strike me or my unborn child. I know that Jesus died on the cross to take away my sickness and pain. Having accepted Your Son Jesus as my Savior, I confess that my child will be born healthy and completely whole. Thank You, Father, for the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus that has made me and my child free from the law of sin and death!

Father, in Jesus' name, I confess Your Word this day over my pregnancy and the birth of my child. I ask that You will quickly perform Your Word, trusting that it will not go out from You and return to You void, but rather that it will accomplish that which pleases You. Your Word is quick and powerful and discerns my heart intentions and the thoughts of my mind.

For all unborn children:
that our love for them may keep them safe
until the joyous day of their birth;
We pray to the Lord

I asked the Lord to give me this boy, and he has granted my request. Now I am giving him to the Lord, and he will belong to the Lord his whole life." And they worshiped the Lord there.

Almighty God, our Father,
you who have given us life
and intended us to have it forever,
grant us your blessings.
Enlighten our minds to an awareness
and to a renewed conviction
that all human life is sacred
because it is created
in your image and likeness.
Help us to teach by word
and the example of our lives
that life occupies the first place,
that human life is precious
because it is the gift of God
whose love is infinite.
Give us the strength to defend human life
against every influence
or action that threatens or weakens it,
as well as the strength
to make every life more human
in all its aspects.

In the name of the Lord Jesus, I bring my unborn child to You Lord, and thank You for this gift of grace that has been granted to me. Lord, You have heard my prayers as you did Hannah in the Bible, and have granted me the privilege of bringing a new little life into the world. I pray that my pregnancy may be free of complications and that my little baby will be born perfectly healthy and complete.

Lord, we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made and to realise that You have scheduled every day of our precious baby's life already is a wonderful thought. I pray Lord, that You would protect this little one as he or she is being prepared to be born into the world. Place Your hand of blessing upon them and I pray that they will grow up to know and love You, Lord Jesus.

Prepare me too Lord for parenthood, and give me wisdom and grace as I get ready for the day when a new little life will be born into the world. Thank You for giving me the privilege of being the parent of this little baby. In Jesus' name,


Help us to remember the unborn who are unwanted and tossed aside every day; help us to be a light in a world of darkness. Give us opportunities to love people and present the truth of Your Word, use us to offer alternative options to women in desperate situations. Jesus, You have the power to change hearts; we pray for the women considering this option - help them to see there is another way.