Prayer For My Uncle

May the blessing of light be on you light without and light within. May the blessed sunlight shine on you like a great peat fire, so that stranger and friend may come and warm himself at it.

Every morning lean your arms awhile upon the windowsill of heaven and gaze upon the Lord. Then with the vision in your heart, turn strong to meet your day.

Lord, I ask that _______ be not deceived by the teachings of this new age, but that you draw him/her near to You through faith in love. Give him/her a pure heart that turns away from sin and the ability to know right from wrong.

Heavenly Father, I pray that You will help bring the uncle what is needed, physically, financially and Spiritually to keep him in remission. I also ask that You will comfort him and reassure him with Your peace and love, In Jesus Name, Amen

Praying for provision and the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your uncle, mum and family.

Thank you, God, for giving me
my loving aunts and uncles.

I pray that you watch over them
and always keep them safe.

The time we spend together
brings me happiness and joy.

I feel so many blessings from
their love and kind embrace.

I pray that they will always know
they are ever in my heart.

And I will always hold them close,
even when we are apart.

Please Dear God, help my Uncle to heal and give the doctor the wisdom they need to help my Uncle to recover. Please be the his family. Help them to cope with what is going on and also to make the right decision. Please Jesus send down your heling power to make him well. You said if we believe in YOU and have Faith in YOU and YOUR Father Almighty, we will be healed. I pray to YOU, Jesus, heal my Uncle and give him the stregth to walk out of this hospital healthy and healed by the Name of Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Mesiah. Send down Your blessings on my Uncle Dear Jesus. In Your name Jesus I pray. Amen

May his life reflect You, Lord, as he is made in Your image. May he be increasingly transformed into the likeness of Christ so that his thoughts, words, and actions are those of Jesus. May love, mercy, and grace be his trademarks and flow from him each day to everyone he encounters. (Genesis 1:27; 1 John 4:17; Isaiah 60:21)