Prayer For My Wife

Thank you to God for the wife I have, for she has blessed me so in my life. God gave me an opitunity in life and that is to marry the lady I have today, she has completed me with the Lord.
Praise the Lord God for this.

Thank you God for who you are, who my wife is, who you are creating her to be, and the blessing of our marriage.
I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ whom you sacrificed on the cross so we may be in direct relationship and communion with you for all eternity.

Dear Precious and Perfect Heavenly Father,
Thank for blessing me with such an amazing wife who I deeply cherish and desire. Please physically protect her as she pursues her work for the day. Watch over her as she drives on the road with crazy drivers, and engages in a hurting world of crazy people. When she is attacked by the enemy, by the Holy name and blood of Jesus Christ, I pray all oppression is muted and bounded, and that she feel the safety and protection of resting in your eternally all-powerful arms.

Thank you, Lord, for my amazing wife! She's a priceless gift to be treasured, and I pray that you'd help me to be a gift to her as well. Please give me the wisdom, courage and strength to be the best husband I can be today and everyday. In Jesus name, Amen.

Lord, THANK YOU for sending me such an incredible partner, best friend and wife. Next to your grace, her love is the greatest gift in my life. Please never let me take her for granted. Help me to love, cherish, respect, adore, and protect her the way that she deserves. I know she's not only my wifeShe's YOUR daughter, and you've trusted me to be her husband. Please help me to love her the way that you love her; being willing to lay down my life for her the way you have done for us.

Father, You loved us firstso much so that You sent Your Son to take our place. How incredible it is to think that while we were sinners, Christ died for us. Nothing we do could ever compare to the riches of Your grace (1 John 4:19; John 3:16; Romans 5:8; Ephesians 2:7).

When she feels tired, Lord, renew her strength. Surround her with friends who love You and will bear her burdens. Give her reason to feel refreshed by their encouragement (Isaiah 40:31; Galatians 6:2; Philemon 1:7).

Thank you, Father, for the gift of my wife. You are the giver of all good and perfect blessings, and I'm amazed how You show Your love through her. Please help me to cherish such an amazing gift (James 1:17).