Prayer For My Son In School

I pray for you to help our son to be a great example for others. I pray for great leadership skills and for him to show kindness, respect, generosity, and self-worth. I pray that he will be confident in his own skin and that he will feel like he can come to us for anything. I pray for all children, that you may protect and guide them.

In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!

Heavenly Father, I ask for your protection over my child. I pray that you will guide him and that you will help him to remember the many things that we have tried to instill in him. I pray for our son and the kids that he hangs out with, that you will shield them from temptation.

Dear Lord, Help me to love, without expecting anything in return. Help me to engage, even when I don't fully understand him. Help me to provide, quietly and gently to give good gifts. Help me to speak, not to sow criticism but encouragement. Help me to say sorry, to own up when I mess up. Help me to forgive, even when I feel hurt or ignored. Help me to hope, to breathe out joy and vision for the future. Help me to carry my son, through the patchwork of hopes, dreams, hurts, worries, anger and the joy of teenage years. Help me to remain open and soft To understand and not to judge My brilliant son. Amen.

Father, as much as I want my children to flourish in their educations, so much more do I want them to gain wisdom. Your Word teaches us that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor (Ecclesiastes 7:12), that wisdom is supreme (Proverbs 4:7) and the one who gets it will have great insight, able to understand what is right and just and fair. May wisdom enter into their hearts and knowledge be pleasant to their souls. May discretion protect them and understanding guard them (Proverbs 2:9-11).

Father, I pray that in all of life's schools, may my children come to the conclusion that fearing You and keeping Your commandments is the ultimate duty of their lives (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Keep them grounded, centered on You, broadening their knowledge while maintaining their integrity. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Lord, bless my children's academic skills and efforts. I pray You would give each of them the desire to learn and the gift of knowledge. Help them excel in their strengths while persevering in their weaknesses. Do not let them become discouraged when they cannot grasp things with ease.

Lord, I trust Your plan for their lives and I anticipate their union and the glory it will bring to Your Kingdom.

I pray a hedge of protection over my child, I pray that angels never leave his side and always guide his choices. i bind any evil and harm in the works against my son. I pray that he be blessed with continued strength and peace and that his heart is filled up with his mamas love and I pray that he never feels alone, that he knows he is very loved and he is great and is hold so much greatness~ and that he is reminded tough times dont last. I pray with all i have in me that my child and i will walk out of this situation together, and better. I ask that his hurt heart be mended and filled with plans and goals for the future. last but not least I pray over his relationship with his children~ that it may be mended and they never forget their dad loves them and that they be safe and warm. AMEN AMEN AMEN