Prayer For My Son Job Interview

Loving Father, I have been called to a job interview and I ask that You guide me in this important appointment.

I pray, Lord, that You will help my mind to be clear, give me wisdom as I make the necessary preparations, and remain with me, for in You is my trust. Fill me with Your peace and remain in my heart throughout the whole process, I pray.

Lord, if it is Your will, may I find grace in the eyes of the interviewing team, and to You be all the praise and glory.


Thank you, God, that you have been with me today in this interview. I offer you all I have spoken and the answers I have given in front of these people. May all the good and wise things I have said resound in their minds and hearts. Come bless them as they seek to judge wisely who they should employ. Amen.

Dear Lord, Help me to give of my best today in this interview. Wrap me in your loving arms when I feel insecure. Hold me in your steady embrace when I feel nervous. Help me to understand the questions I am asked, And answer in a honest and inspired way. In the interview, I pray you would show me if this is the right job for me. I am your servant and I seek to do your will on this earth. Lead me in your paths and guide me into all truth. I ask all this in the beautiful name of Jesus My Saviour and friend. Amen.

And God blessed the seventh day and called it holy, because it was the day he rested from all his work of creation.The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. -1 Corinthians 3:8

Thank you for giving me such an incredible gift in my wonderful son, and I want his dream to come true and he be hired as a fulltime firefighter with this department he is interviewing for today. Thank you dear Lord for listening and for going in spirit and strength with my son today, and everyday.

Please help his dreams be realized today. Amen.

God, I know I don't pray or thank you as often as I should for all of the blessings that you have brought into my life, but I am truly grateful for them and know that you are behind the wonderful life I am here to live. I only ask that you please be with my son today as he interviews for this job of his dreams, a career he has wanted to pursue since he was a child, a firefighter to do good for others and be the giving, caring and loving man that my family and I have raised him to be.

Heavenly Father, you are the God of peace which surpasses understanding. As I approach this job interview, please calm my anxiety and soothe my fears. Give me your peace in my soul. May I approach every part of the interview with the assurance that comes from your peace. I have nothing to fear when you are with me. If you are for me, who can be against me? Remind my worried mind of your presence and your power. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

All-powerful God, I pray that you would give my son success in my job interview. Give him confidence Lord, to speak clearly, and to answer the questions with wisdom. My son confidence in life is not based on his own strength or performance but it is rooted in you. You are with him, you never leave his side. He can enter the interview with confidence because you are there with him. Everything he need is found in you. Please grant him a successful outcome. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.