Prayer For My Son On Drugs

Give courage and hope to all who are seeking to break its demonic hold over the lives of so many, and may the power of Your love and grace transform their lives, knowing that Jesus Christ alone is able to break the power of drugs, return a soul into freedom and bring beauty for brokenness. This we ask in Jesus' name,


Dear Lord, You are a loving God and we praise and thank You for all Your goodness to us and to all men. We bless You for our lives and for all the joy and grace that You so readily bestow on all Your creation.

But Lord, we lift up an increasing number of men and women who suffer from drug addiction, and pray that You would provide them with the grace and strength to reach out to You for the necessary help and guidance that they may need, as they take the important steps to recovering their physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Help me I pray. Save me Lord and set me free from these drugs on which I have become so dependant. Give me the means to break loose from drugs and the ability to see it through to the end. I know that on my own I will fail but Lord, I do believe that in Christ I can be set free. Help me Lord in Jesus' name,


Dear Lord, I bring my brother to You whose reliance on drugs and addiction to medication is causing me and the family serious concerns and sadness.

Lord, we really don't know what to do and we seem to have run out of ideas and suggestions and there is no one but You to whom we can turn.

Lord, he is prone to mood swings, sometimes seeming depressed and at other times hyper active, and yet at other times is only able to sleep, sometimes for the best part of a day. Help us we pray to help him. Release him Lord, from this unhealthy reliance on drugs. Heal him of the negative effects that they are having on his physical and mental health and return him to normal health and strength. In Jesus' name,


I pray for my son's safety and for his health as you deliver him from the drugs.
Wash over his body and cleanse him.
You know his heart Father, please turn him around and lead him to you.
I place my son in your hands Lord and trust in you.
Thank you, Lord. For I pray this in Jesus' name Amen.

My heart is heavy as I come to you Lord to ask for your help in delivering my son from his drug addiction.
And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. Psalm 50:15 Give him victory over that which satan revels in and break the bond that drugs have over my son.
Help me to be strong and to demonstrate tough love yet do it in a Godly way.

I pray for a heavy conviction upon his heart. Give him eyes to fully see his situation and the will to overcome. Please don't let the evil one have victory over his physical body nor his mind. Please help each of my family members to find the strength to support my son in prayer while encouraging him with uplifting words. Help each of us to fully love him and forgive us when we give way to blame, fear, worry, and anger. We know these things are not Godly.Fill us with love, compassion, forgiveness, and most of all, faith in your miraculous healing. Your timing is perfect, and we trust in your plan for our son.

Dear Father in Heaven,
I come to you today to thank you for the blessing of my son. I love him so very much, and it's through my pain and inability to conquer his addiction that I lay myself at your feet.
Please forgive me for not recognizing or seeing the signs of his drug problem beginning.
Forgive me for the guilt that has enveloped me.
I can't help but feel that I have failed as a parent in some way.
Lord, only you know my son's heart and the reason behind his addiction.