Prayer For My Son In Trouble

Lord please help my son he is ins big trouble please help convict him to you please spare his life lord he is in so much trouble l can't help him as a mother who loves her childern lord I feel so helpless I just don't know what to but I remembered how you answered my payers so many times before please answer my prayer now in jesus name praise be to God thank you for working this out

Dear Heavenly Father. I pray that you bring peace to My Son. He is troubled and is in a very bad spiritual place at this time. He is a wonderful Boy that is suffering from depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. I ask all the Angles and Saints to protect my Son from Satin. Give us the strength, the courage, and the perserverence to turn our anger and hurt into Love and understanding. All is possible with You Lord.

Dear Lord, you have witnessed the rebelliousness of youth since the very beginnings of time. You understand a parent's anguish and helplessness over the actions of his child. Please help us to transform our anger and frustration into loving care for our child who has gone astray. Help us begin to mend our broken fences and heal our broken hearts. Bless our child and also help him to mend the error of his ways. Help and bless us all to do right in Your name and restore us to peace and tranquility. Amen.

I pray that you would surround him with Your love. Place people in his life that will lay a foundation of Your truth, Your love, and Your values.

Father Jehovah: i ask you lovingly and tenderly to be with my son Andrew at this very painful time. We are not perfect Father but all of us with these petitions love our sons. The ways of the world have brought them to this place. My son served in the military and at such a young age.He was not mature enough to deal with the horrors of war. It was a different son who came home and he like thousands tried to get by on the alcohol and drugs. In his heart there is love and good. All our sons need your intervention Lord. Have favor, mercy and grace on him and all the others their mothers have petitioned YOU for. With all the love I have in my heart I ask in your son JESUS name and thank you. Shalom

Heavenly Father,
As I come to you on tonight with repentance in my heart for any & all sin, known & unknown, with a clean heart & a clear conscious. I just want to thank you for everything that you have done for me, my sons & my family. I thank you that you are Omnipotent & that you are Omnipresent. Your power is unlimited & you are everywhere at the same time, which means that you are right there in this very moment with all of our sons. I want to thank you for literally carrying us through, even through these trials & hard times. I thank you for being our strength in weakness. I thank you for hearing our cries. I thank you for wiping our tears & for comforting us when it seems that no one is there or understands.

Father God you know that my son is under attack by the devil. I put all trust in you to protect him and ease his heart as you work this out as only you can. The wicked never win. BLESS all this mother's my heart goes out to them let us stand fast as you work. In the Lord Jesus Christ name I pray

Father as i lift my son up to you Vernon i ask that your will be done in his life.I thank you for him and i know your plan for his life is not the path that he is on.I pray that you will give him strength courage and direction you know his heart.I pray that this strong hold on his life will be released and you will allow him another chance i ask that you forgive him in all the area of his life that is not pleasing and for the disrespect.I pray in your mighty and precious name give him peace in the mist of the storm.Amen I love and trust you Jesus!