Prayer For My Son Going To College

Abba Father,

Thank you for being beside me,
Thank you for this new school.
Please be there to hold my hand,
Please help me to relax and enjoy the day.
Bring new friendships in to my life,
Bring new possibilities to learn and grow.
Help me to pray in my heart to you if I am anxious,
Help me to remember that you are always with me.


Lord, I reach out to you for your guidance.
Please show me which way to turn.
Calm my anxious thoughts, come speak into my mind.
Strengthen me as I falter and feel weary.
May I feel strength rising up within my heart.
Bring clarity into my visions and dreams.
I trust that you are with me, no matter where I go,
Or what I decide to do.
You journey with me always.


At this new time Lord, I can't erase the sadness, I can't provide joy, or cuddle away the worries of my treasured son.
He has grown, beyond my simple care, adrift from the joys I can bring him, apart from the sanctuary of a mother's arms, yet he will always be my treasured son.

He needs you Father God, your spirit to comfort his mind, your strength and hope to bring joy, your truth and peace to ease his worries.

So I give him to you. I sit at the foot of the cross and ask you to move in the mind, heart and life of my treasured son.


Lord, be with my son in trouble; rescue him and honor him (Psalm 91:5).

May my son walk before You, God, as King David walked, with integrity of heart and uprightness, doing according to all that You have commanded him and keeping Your statutes and rules (1 Kings 9:4).

Dear Lord, I know you have a plan for my child and I thank you and praise you for allowing me the gift of being his/her mother. I am frustrated because I want to see the fruits of my labor, Lord. Please give me the patience to continue being obedient to your word in raising my child. Teach me to wait in hope and confidence for you to make your will known in your time.

Lord, may my son know Your word and be quick to do what it says. May he not be deceived by thinking that knowing it is enough. Help him to be quick to act!

Lord, may my son believe in You so that he may have eternal life. I'm thankful, Jesus, that You made a way for him to live with You for eternity through Your sacrifice. May my son accept, and cling to, this free gift for it's more important than anything else in life!