Prayer For My Son From Mom

May my son walk after You, God, and fear You and keep Your commandments and obey Your voice. May he serve You and hold fast to You (Deuteronomy 13:4).

Lord, please fill me with your grace so that I may be restored and renewed in my role as a mother. Help me to remember that I do not have to do this alone that you are with me to strengthen and guide me.

Lord, please give me the wisdom to make decisions according to your will. Send me your vision in this situation and make it plain that I will see it. And please show me how to teach my child to make wise decisions so that he/she may also choose the path that is pleasing to you.

May my son walk after You, God, and fear You and keep Your commandments and obey Your voice. May he serve You and hold fast to You (Deuteronomy 13:4).

Create in my son a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within him (Psalm 51:10).

Lord, help my son trust You and submit his ways to You. Let him not try to figure everything out on his own, but instead always turn to You for guidance, knowing You will always lead him in the right direction with his life.

Lord, help my son to live according to Your Word, the Bible. It's Your Word that will keep him on the path of purity.

Let us pray. O God,
by the leading of a star Thou didst manifest Thine
only begotten Son
to the Gentiles on this day;
mercifully grant that we who know Thee by faith,
may be brought to contemplate the beauty of Thy
Through the same Jesus Christ Thy Son.