Prayer For My Nephew

I pray to be here for youto the very best of my abilitypointing you to the one who will never leave you or forsake you and has the perfect plan for your lives!

I Love You,

I'm thankful for each one of you and who each of you are. Each of you are special in your own unique way. As I reflectI can't help but think of your losses, your goals, your accomplishments, your struggles, your hurts, your gifts and your talents. Some of these things about you I know very well and some of these things I can really only wonderand pray for you!

Father in Heaven, You walk beside us at all times. I ask that You be a shield and defender for my nephew as she embarks on this journey. Thank You that she is able to travel. I ask that, in her journey, You give her safety. I ask that the logistics of her trip are provided. I ask that she not come into any danger but instead that this trip becomes a blessing to her. Furthermore, in her traveling, may she have time to invest in her relationship with You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Jesus, my Savior, You know our lives from the dramatic to the everyday. Lord, I ask for my nephew's everyday hobbies. May they be a positive creative outlet for her. I pray that this continues to be a way for her to relieve stress and enjoy Your creation. When she is creative, she reflects the way You are creative and thereby glorifies You. I ask that You bless her in her hobbies. Thank You for her and the blessing she is to others. Amen.

O, Lord, help me to be glad when my son (or daughter) picks a mate. If he brings home a girl with two heads, let me love both of them equally. And when my son says, Mom, I want to get married,' forbid that I should blurt out, How far along is she?'

And please, Lord, help me to get through the wedding preparations without a squabble with the other side.' And drive from my mind the belief that had my child waited awhile, he or she could have done better.

Love is the emotion that drives me here Lord. I love him/her enough to pray on his/her behalf and You love me enough to make level all my worries. Father, I need You to take good care of Name. He/she, despite the act, is always in need of Your favour and I pray that You show him/her more than enough. He/she shall be protected, raised heads about others, and miracles will be performed in his or her life. Praises be sung about Your everlasting mercy, and In Jesus Name, Amen.

Teach my nephew that he has the opportunity to accept a new, beautiful identity that is called good, not because of what he has done or what he looks like, but because he is secure in who YOU say they are: treasured, delightful, known and protected. Let him not place their self-worth in accomplishments he may or may not achieve, but let him discover these deeper truths about who You believe he is and build every decision he makes on that sure foundation.

Lord, you are the God who has sustained my nephew all his life and today I trust in your ability to watch over him during surgery.

I know you will be present in the operating room where he will have his surgery and let him feel your presence.Remove fear from his mind and heart and help him relax during the operation. Send him angelic help to minister to him throughout his surgery.

May he cooperate with the surgeon and nurses to ensure the operation goes well.

I declare that [Name] is healed by the stripes of Christ (1 Peter 2:24).

The Spirit of Life is giving life to his mortal body and restoring wholeness to it. Today I thank you for his life.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.