Prayer For My Niece

Lord, I can't believe this baby is here! I truly cannot believe it. You are so good to me, and I am so very thankful. I hold a tremendous responsibility, this baby's life is in my hands, my care. Help me to always have Your wisdom and love so that this child is brought up in Your Fruit. Lord, this baby is so special, thank you for this life! Amen.

Jesus, You are the reason this child exists. Thank you for providing life to this child and the opportunity to live in freedom because of Your sacrifice 2,000 years ago. I owe everything to You and I am so utterly thankful for Your presence, power, and love in my life. May this child know deeply this love You offer. Amen.

God, I ask that this child is always close to You through their entire life. In order for that to happen, my faith must be authentic and passionate. Keep me close to You Lord and allow the relationship we have to deeply impact my precious baby. Amen.

God of Life, I adore You! You are Yahweh! Because of who You are, I know that my child will lack nothing. Instead, my baby will have his/her portion of good things in abundance. I pray for my child's life and my child's character. Fill my child with the fruits of Your Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Amen.

Lord of the Highest Heavens, I rejoice in You always for You have blessed me in so many ways, especially with giving me a child. I pray that Your word governs my child's life so that he/she may rejoice in You always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks to You, for this is Your will for my child. I know that my child will grow up to be a mighty prayer warrior and a faithful servant to Your kingdom. Amen.

I pray the Lord blesses you and that each of your lives bring Him glory. That you are a light to others in this dark world and a reflector of His love to all those you meet. I pray you have strength to face each day, because some are much harder than others. That you live life to the fullest, enjoying the people in life, that surround you. I pray you are wise in your choices and a positive influence on the road that you walk. I ask the Lord to protect you daily, provide peace when needed, give courage when necessary and multiply your gifts and talents. May you seek His presence often, live by His truth, grow in your faith and personally experience His saving grace.

Lord, I pray that You will create in my niece a clean heart and that You would constantly renew a right spirit within him, keeping his thoughts and actions pure and motivated by love. Guard him/her from temptation, and let him/her know You are always faithful to give him/her a way out and help to endure. May the words of his/her mouth and the meditations of his/her heart always please you and edify others.

Lord, you have fearfully and wonderfully created my niece. She has been a joy to all around her.

Today I lift her to your throne of grace and ask that you oversee her surgery till the end.

Guide the hands of the surgeon who will operate on her.

Comfort her during this trying time and give her the strength to hold on till the end.

May your angels surround her and watch over her and all who will be in the operating room.

Thank you Jesus that you purchased healing for her on the cross (Isaiah 53:5). I claim that healing for her today and declare she will live.

May the power of your Holy Spirit penetrate her body and restore it to wholeness.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen.