Prayer For My Parents And Family

I pray my parent and family will keep on leaning on You, the Rock of strength and righteousness (Psalm 71:3a; 73:26; 92:12-15). Spread your protection over my parent, because You are the ultimate Refuge (Psalm 5:11; 46:1).

God be with our family, From the youngest to the oldest, Lighting up our relationships, Sowing grace into our troubles. God be with our family, Weaving love into our work, Our rest, and our play. Amen.

Prince of Peace, please bless us.
Come keep our health in perfect balance.
Thank you for the gift of life. We are truly grateful.

O Holy One, please keep us.
Come and settle our minds with your peace.
Thank you that you free us from all fear.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, please encircle us.
Come surround us with your strength and power.
Thank you that you are with us always.


Father, thank You for the family parents that You've given us. Lord we are so grateful that You've knit us together with other families to do life with. Lord help us to always be reminded of how blessed we are to have them. We pray blessing over these relationships. That no weapon from the enemy could cause division between us. Lord, we ask that You give us more relationships like these. Connect us with like minded families that will sharpen us and bring us to a new level of faith in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Lord, I ask for protection and safety over my spouse, my children, my parents, my family members and myself today. Please lead us with Your mighty hands today and always. Deliver us from any enemy and evil that try to hinder our way. Do not let the ways of the enemy blind our eyes. We know that You are for us, so that no one could ever stop us. Please watch over us and guide us all safely throughout this day, so that we may all arrive safely back home, Father. Amen.

Lord, I want to thank You for this precious family of mine. For the talents and good things that You have given each of us. Please keep us united, and our bond strong as the days pass. Please guide us, protect us and equip us to do Your will each and every day. Thank You for all that You are, and all that You have given us. My heart is forever grateful!

Lord, Give us the wisdom to seek You first each day, before each decision. It's often the little thoughts and daily decisions that lead us into a sudden spiral of bad health. Enlighten us and guide us through Your Word. Let our hearts burn for more of You each day.

Help us endure the pain of chronic conditions, some of which will not find healing in this broken and sinful world. We know that You work all things for good, but in those moments of chronic pain and suffering, it can be impossible to understand Your perfect and just hand in it all.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Father, strengthen us to hold captive the joy You bless our lives with daily. Help us to walk freely in Your love. For as Paul reminds us in 1 Timothy 4:8 (VOICE), Although training your body has certain payoffs, godliness benefits all thingsholding promise for life here and now and promise for the life that is coming. Send us more of Your Holy Spirit, to help us focus on Your Word daily. Give us hearts like Jesus.