Prayer For My Husband To Find A Job

Lord God, My husband been out of job close to a year now, he gas been trying to find a job, applying lots of places but still havent found any, it pains to see him sad and hurt and giving up, please LORD , please we pray he will get a job soon. This I pray, Amen

Dear Lord, please watch over my husband. He went for his second interview for a job last week and is waiting for a response from the company. He was laid off from his job over two years and had become very depressed.

He then worked for a family member and he laid my husband off over the phone. He now feels he must have done wrong in his life to have this happen. We had to sell our home and I also am without a job now.

Please hear our pray to grant him this position. I am worried about how this will effect him if he should not be offered the position. If he should be blessed with this job, we will be able to help others again as we use too.

We thank you for everything you have given to us. We just need this job. Please watch over us and our family and friends.

I ask for prayers that my husband gets the job he so much deserves! He is a honest and trustworthy man. He gives 200% in his currant job and would like to reach the top in this new job he has applied for! I know you will be with him thru this process

God, please guide my husband. Help him to find employment. Guide his path and connect him with the right people who can lead him toward the opportunities You have for him. Please keep my husband in positive spirits as he searches for an opportunity that will bless our family. Please protect him and all of us. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Oh Dear Lord, please watch over my husband, while he looks for a job. Please give him the strength to carry on his search. I can tell he is getting tired and losing confidence. He has searched for almost a year and we, his family need him to gain employment ASAP. There was a lesson for him to learn through all this and I hope you have shown him the way.

Please, please dear Lord provide my husband with a job, he will enjoy, and bring financial stability to our family. We are both scared, we need your guidance, please grant us your help. Thank you for listening to me and helping my husband today. Show us the way and the path you would like us to take.

Love you with all my heart.

He loves you, Lord, and he is willing to work wherever you lead him. Bless my husband as he answers the tough questions this week, and bless the people who will conduct the interview. Give them wisdom to choose the right person for the job, and give Mitch peace to accept their decision. Amen.

Dear God,
My husband had to quit his job to stay home with our 6 month old daughter because he was barely getting any hours. He's recently had a job interview with full benefits and I am praying with all my heart and soul that he gets it. I work so much that I hardly get to spend anytime with my daughter so we could both use the break. The constant stressing is starting to cause health issue for not only us but also my parents who help us out from time to time. I know that we doing are any everything on our end to help our family. I am just asking for a little help to get us through these tough times.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Lord please help my husband in this his time of need.he needs you to help him find a job where he is happy and stable.Lord help him to find a job soon in a quick way.I know you answer prayers as quickly as possible.I have my trust and faith in you and ask for your help with a heavy heart.I love you father with my whole heart and soul.In Jesus name Amen.