Prayer For My Husband To Forgive Me

I pray that he could once again see the wonderful, beautiful unity that you brought together and how much I love him. Please bless us so that he does not leave our family. Bring forgiveness and your Holy Spirit to him as only you can. I know it's in your time God, but I don't have much time before he leaves, so I pray to you that you would reach out and touch is heart today.

I pray that my husband can humbly forgive when he feels wronged. I pray he can let go of bitterness, resentment, and unresolved conflicts that burden him. I pray that he can be held, healed, and restored in his brokenness and unsettled pain.

Help me, Father God, to see where I need to change and remind me to always ask for my love's forgiveness. Humble me, Lord, as you teach me to be the wife you have called me to be.

Heavenly Father, I come to you with a heavy heart and the hope that you can help my marriage to heal. I love my husband as a wife should and he does not believe me. He is contemplating divorce because he feels he can not get past the pain that he thought he had forgiven when we married. I pray that you help to soften his heart, help to carry his pain for him and assist with him seeing that his words and actions are hurtful and not in your plan. Show him the good in usin his wife. Father, you know my love is unconditional and I will not give up. I ask for you to wrap your arms around our union and bind us together and never let that separate.

I ask that you would help find forgiveness for my husband for the lies that I told him. I did not mean to hurt his heart and I ask for your forgivness. I ask you Lord that you would turn my husband back toward me, that he would see his commitment and vows that we stood before you and took with our whole hearts. He is a good man and I ask that you would touch his heart so that he can again see the good in me, as we once were and help him to understand that I was scared when I lied because I was afraid of losing him. I pray you would touch him in such a way that he his anger would banish and the love would once again surface, not only for me but for the children. I have asked for your forgivenss of my sins and I pray Lord, that he would realize that forgiveness is the answer.

Lord, I pray that my husband would be quick to forgive me when I hurt him. I pray that he would let go of any bitterness or anger he may feel. ... Help me, Father God, to see where I need to change and remind me to always ask for my love's forgiveness