Prayer For My Husband To Leave The Other Woman

I pray, in the name of Jesus, against their methods and devices and I ask that every diabolic or fetish methods of operation against me, my husband and our marriage, be rendered powereless. Though they are proud, and flaunt their hold on my husband for all to see, but my God, you are stronger than them. Father, break the grip of the strange woman and her helpers release my husband by your mighty power.

Father, I come to You to intervene and recover my husband Mr. and restore our marriage from the unclean spirits, immoral attitude and strange women who have enticed and confused my husband and are aiming to destroy our marriage. Father, these forces have no respect for the covenant of marriage and so caused my husband to cheat me and betray our marriage.

Oh Lord of heaven's armies, I declare Your Word over my marriage right now. I declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Lord, please help my husband to return to his family. Please destroy the spirit of lust, adultery and sexual immorality operating in his life. Use Your mighty power to turn him from sin. Let every tongue that rises against us be condemned. In Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Heavenly Father, Your Word says, what God has joined together, let no man separate. You have joined us together as husband and wife and so I give You glory and praise. Lord, the enemy has seeped into our marriage and has caused my husband to abandon our marital home. But in the name of Jesus, I pray against every evil spirit that is trying to terminate this marriage. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

I come to you on behalf of my husband, Lord, and lifting up my marriage to You. Father, You see what (insert husband's name) is doing. You see that he is (insert what he is doing here).

Lord, Your Word says that You have given us free will. My husband is free to make his own choices. However, Lord, You have also said that he will be bound in sin until You save Himand that I can pray and You will move.

Father, I acknowledge that Your Word says I am not bound to my husband since he has broken our marriage vows with adultery.
However, Father, I also believe that You have given me the love I have for this man, and I believe that You have called me to pray for my husband's return to our homeand to our childreninstead of leaving him.

Father, I have authority to pray for my husband because we are one flesh.

Deliver him from her deceptive, vain, flattering words. Father, loose the cords of his sins. Destroy the yoke with Your anointing. I pray You will not give him up to a reprobate mind. Save him from the spirit of whoredoms which has caused him to err. Enlighten my husband's understanding. Let his heart see. And may he put away this evil and not destroy his soul. Forbid it Lord that this sin bring about severe consequences. I know that You discipline Your children because You love us. Have compassion on us, Abba Father. May Your kindness and goodness lead my husband to repent.

Lord God, cause this woman to cease from playing the harlot. You said that adultery is evil and it is a great sin. You have taught us that our bodies are Your temple and anyone that defiles this temple, You will destroy. Adulterers shall not inherit the kingdom of God suffering the vengeance of eternal fire in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Put a godly fear in her, put love for her own soul. I pray for a godly repentance.

Lord God of Hosts, you hold everything together my marriage is in you. We pray the Holy Spirit to convict my husband from lust and wrong company. Heavenly Father, we ask You in the name and through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, build a hedge of thorns around my Husband.

We pray that through this hedge, any other lover will lose interest and depart. This prayer is based on Your Word which commands that what God has joined together, let man not separate.

We bind the spirits of pride, spiritual blindness, self-sufficiency and self-righteousness far from my husband in the name of Jesus, in order that he will give you all the glory for what You are doing in his life.

We bind the spirits of shamelessness, deception and negative habits far from my husband in the name of Jesus, so that he will not be deluded or pushed off the path that You have chosen for him.

Lord God Guard my heart and the heart of my husband above all else, for it determines the course of our life. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.