Prayer For My Husband To Get Well Soon

Thank You for the creative design of marriage. Thank You for the opportunity to have a friend, an intimate companion, and a helper. I pray that whenever my husband is sick, I would be gentle in how I respond to him, quick to serve him, and willing to go the extra mile to help him. I also pray that whenever I get sick my husband would show compassion, be kind, and also willing to help me as I need. I pray that both of us would have hearts of hospitality with the motivation to bless the other. May our marriage be filled with love, unconditional love, love that doesn't get cut-off by appearances or circumstance. May You use us to be there for one another and may Your power heal us if we ever do get sick in Jesus' name AMEN!

Dear God, I come to you broken hearted and in pain. Please help my husband who is very ill. I do not know how I am going to manage without him. Please spare him from this dreadful illness and do not take him from me and my children. Please God answer my prayer. I place all my trust in you, amen

Dear Lord,

I come before you praying for my husband's healing. Lord you know the physical, emotional or spiritual healing he needs. Lord I trust your word that when I have faith my request will be granted (Matthew 5:28). Give me the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the wisdom to know how to pray for my husband's healing. For you alone Lord will receive Glory when he is healed. We seek to praise you in that healing. In Your Name I Pray, Amen!