Prayer For My Future

Dear god I thank you for listening to me, I pray to you in hopes that my future will be a good future and not a future stuck in limbo. I see students who are in heavy student debt, with a good degree and have no steady job that pays good money. I pray I do not fall into that same category, I pray that my future will at least be less rocky, I pray I can have a smooth ride as I undergo my studies in college and hopefully university, later on down the road..

Lord I also pray you can lead me back to my place of birth as I feel that is where I truly belong. I have one year of college in my current city in which I reside, which I will strongly hope will help me for my hopefully bright future. Lord I understand how hard it can be to move, however that is what I want the most. After my year is done, I want to be back in Toronto to keep undergoing my studies. There is way more for me over there Lord, there is more opportunities and more activities to do on my leisure time.

I pray you can give me signs, guide me down the path, and bring me back to my birth place of Toronto. I feel I will have a much better career there than where I currently reside. Lord I pray and really hope this can come true. I am extremely hopeful you can help me God.


Father in Heaven, I come before you as the psalmist did, weary, worn, and frightened. I come before you because you are King and you rule all things. I come before you because you are my Father, my Abba. You adopted me as your child and have given me every privilege that comes with being a part of your family. I come before you because you are my Savior. All I have comes to me from your generous hands. I come before you because you are my Redeemer. You alone can redeem and restore all that is broken in my life and in the world around me.

Forgive me for turning my gaze from you and looking at the frightening things happening around me. Forgive me for forgetting that you are with me. Forgive me for not trusting. Forgive me for not crying out to you sooner but trying to conquer my fears in my own strength. Forgive me for not living in complete dependence upon you.

Father, hear the deepest cries of my heart. Rule and reign over your Kingdom, turn the hearts of kings, and may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Raise up godly leaders, teachers, pastors, and people who love you and your Word. Use your people to spread your gospel across the earth. May we be the salt and light you instructed us to be.

In my life Lord, give me a peace that passes all understanding. Though I don't know what will happen with all that troubles me this day, help me to trust you. Help me to remember that you are not surprised. Help me to remember that nothing will happen today that takes you off guard. You are not asleep or too busy but are actively involved in all the cares of my life. Help me to wait and watch for your glory. Help me to obey and do the right thing in the moment, knowing you are there in all the moments to come.

Most of all, help me to remember Jesus, the One who cried out in the garden on the night he was betrayed, Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will (Mark 13:46). I thank you that "for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2). Even now, he intercedes for mewhat a marvelous truth!

I pray all this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Thank you Lord for each breath that I have. Now it has come to the crucial moment to enter the working life. I pray that each step I take falls within Your guidance and mercy, so that I would have a future that is made by You. I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

i pray that Jesus will always abide in my life . and may family . for i know the plans i have for you. says the lord . plans to prosper you and not to harm you. plans to give your hope and a future


Today we come to You in awe of the way You define success, the purpose You have planned for us, and the faith it takes to walk in that purpose.

Thank you for the blessings that abound in our lives. Help us to look at our lives through Your lens, without outside influence, in true appreciation for what You are doing in our small corner of the world, within the walls of our house, and with the gifts and talents that You have given us. We pray to be good stewards of our time, treasures and talents

Thank you for another day to fill our lungs with air and ponder the Truth of Your Word and Your love for us. Forgive us for taking that simple pleasure for granted. Adjust our perspective to align with Yours.

As we seek to be successful, guide us to Your definition over the push and pressure of what the world and our society deems it to be. Stir our hearts to sit in prayer and spend time with You each day before we walk out into the day. Arm our minds and guard our hearts with the Truth of Your Word. Help us to find our place to serve and reach out to others, whether in our careers, families, hobbies, or volunteer work.

Open our eyes that we may see success in the light of Your love. 1 Peter 4:8 commands to love above all else. We pray, today, for Your vision for our success. Help us to be astute to the call on our hearts and the stirrings in our souls. Motivate us to do the next instruction You give, or continue doing the last one we remember. Allow us to hear Your voice above all others.

Success is so often defined individually, but we were not put here on earth alone. Relationships are important. You have placed people in our lives for a reason.

Create a generous and peaceable heart in us that looks to You first when making decisions life. Let us not accumulate people for what they can do for us or discount relationships because they are not filling us up. Instead, may we look to you to fill the cup of our success in every area of our lives: monetarily, relationally, health-wise, and in stewardship of our daily schedules. Help us to look outward with a servant heart, instead of what we can get out of life.

Bless us with hearts that have confidence in You, as Jeremiah 17:7 speaks of. Let us look to You for provision and relief of the frustration of comparison and failures. Regardless of where you have placed us in our communities, helps us to know, assuredly, that we are where we are for a reasonfor Your reason. That may mean monetary wealth and worldwide fame. It may mean that no one knows who we are outside of our small little town. The beauty of Your heart is that no one person is more important or less loved than the next.

Help us to define success in terms of Your love, for You are love and You love us. That is our purpose on this earth, to spread the love, joy, and hope that is made possible for all to abide in, through the selfless sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus, on the cross. Redefine success in our lives, Lord. Come like a flood.

In Jesus' Name,

prayer for success showersFather, Bless me to become all You created me to be, because the plans You have for me are for a bright future with endless possibilities. I will seek You daily and know I will find You. When I find You I will discover me. In this self-discovery I am more committed to living my dreams and fulfilling my purpose. Amen.

Loving God,
each day as I step further into my future,
give me the courage, knowledge and
patience that I need.

Remind me that you always journey with me
and that you will never lead me into anything
that you won't lead me through.

Thank you for the gift of my life.
May the way I live be my gift back to you -
with your love and guidance

In Jesus' name


Dear Lord,thanks for everything that you have done for me.I wish I want become one of the _________ around the world and have a great lifestyle with my family.Amen.