Prayer For Leadership

Heavenly Father, thank You for our leaders. Right now, we pray for leadership guidance. Let every leader not seek to pursue their own interests, but to look at the interests of others. I pray that You help our leaders to identify the needs of Your people through divine wisdom and understanding. Lord, help them to not be ineffective leaders, but to act for the betterment of Your Kingdom. Amen.

Dear Father, I pray that as leaders, lead Your people, I pray that they will not do it selfishly, for personal ambition or vain conceit. I pray that You help leaders to realize that leading is really a task that requires them to serve. So, Father, raise up servant leaders, in Jesus' name. Help them to work in humility. Make them selfless vessel of You, in Your image. Remove any selfish desires. Amen.

Heavenly Father, Your Word declares that we will not be afraid nor dismayed because You are our God. Right now, Lord, we pray for leadership guidance for every leader, in Jesus' name. I pray that they will exercise faith, knowing that You will strengthen them and help them. You, Lord, will uphold them with Your righteous hand. Thank You in advance for Your divine strength for our leaders. Thank You for Your guidance. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Eternal Father, I pray that You will give every leader strength, so they do not grow weary in their leadership role. Father, the tasks may seem overwhelming and exhausting, but I pray that every leader will recognize that they are assigned to do Your will. Therefore, I know that at the right time, they will reap the harvest/rewards if they do not give up. Lord, I pray for divine strength for every leader and that they will not rely on themselves, but on You. Amen.

Let us express our gratitude:
For the opportunity to serve Xavier University and its mission
For the gifts that we have that enable us to make a difference in the lives of our students
For the chance to do something very special and meaningful with our lives/careers

Let us ask our Heavenly Father to:
Help us to embrace the challenge and responsibility we have as leaders
To guide us to lead with integrity and common sense
Give us the wisdom to make intelligent decisions
Give us the courage to make tough decisions
Give us the character to make right decisions

Finally, help us to always be welcoming, inclusive and open because of our Jesuit Catholic identity without compromising our Jesuit Catholic tradition and heritage.

Teach me to listen, O God,
to those nearest to me,
my family, my friends, my co-workers.
Help me to be aware that
no matter what words I hear,
the message is
"Accept the person I am. Listen to me."

Teach me to listen, my caring God,
to those far from me--
the whisper of the hopeless.
the plea of the forgotten,
the cry of the anguished.

Teach me to listen, O God my Mother,
to myself.
Help me to be less afraid
to trust the voice inside--
in the deepest part of me

Teach me to listen, Holy Spirit,
for your voice--
in busyness and in boredom,
in certainty and in doubt,
in noise and in silence.

Teach me, Lord, to listen. Amen.

Dear Lord, as those entrusted with leading this great Xavier University, please help each of us become Leaders in Balance and realize the importance and impact of our way of thinking and our way of being, because leaders are built from the inside out:
Help us approach leadership as a relationship not just a position...listening, reflective, and intentional;

Help us understand that each of us embodies Xavier's brand promise...setting the tone for what is done
and valued...building trust;

And that each of us focus on a higher purpose...Xavier's mission above personal interests;

Lord, help us appreciate how collaboration with a purpose can enable us to reach better decisions and to
execute our decisions better;

And to that end, Lord, help each of us think "outside the pyramid" to share power
and authority...encouraging innovation, releasing energy and spreading influence;

Help us realize that teaching and leadership have much in we search for truth and reality;

Understanding that at the center of collaboration is a true comfort and sincere valuing of diversity of
people, ideas and ways of enormously strengthening factor;

Finally Lord, help us all believe during these difficult times, that the challenge of leading change at
Xavier University is not about leadership in control, but leadership in balance;

To that end, we collectively embrace the value of nurturing the gene of collaboration throughout all
Xavier leaders...deep into our organization.

We make this prayer not alone, but together, for Together there is power.

Leadership is hard to define.
Lord, let us be the ones to define it with justice.
Leadership is like a handful of water.
Lord, let us be the people to share it with those who thirst.
Leadership is not about watching and correcting.
Lord, let us remember it is about listening and connecting.
Leadership is not about telling people what to do.
Lord, let us find out what people want.
Leadership is less about the love of power,
and more about the power of love.

Lord, as we continue to undertake the role of leader let us be
affirmed by the servant leadership we witness in your son Jesus.
Let us walk in the path He has set and let those who will, follow.

Let our greatest passion be compassion.
Our greatest strength love.
Our greatest victory the reward of peace.

In leading let us never fail to follow.
In loving let us never fail.