Prayer For Leadership Of The Church

Righteous God, I thank You for being our Father. I pray that You help us, pastors and church leaders, to live with purpose. Let us consider how we may spur one another toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as many pastors and leaders can be in the habit of doing. But I declare that we will encourage each other because we are united in our goal. Let us love one another and not compete because You do not think one of us is better than the other. Fill our hearts with more of Your love so that we may show this love to one another, Amen.

Anointed One, leading Your people is not an easy task because there are many obstacles and trials that we must endure. There are many times that it feels as though we cannot do Your work because opposition presents itself so strongly against us. But, Lord we know that with man it is impossible, but not with You; all things are possible with You. We can be effective leaders with You. We can be victorious in our many departments and many ministries with You. Lord, let us continue to walk with You so that we may be great pastors and church leaders, Amen.

Dear Lord, thank You for our pastor. I pray that Your Holy Spirit would lead and guide him in all the duties that he is called upon to do. Lord, keep him ever open to hear Your voice and give him a heart that seeks to draw ever closer to Your heart of love, day by day.

May he rest in You and draw all His strength from You. Give him a passion to lift up the Lord Jesus, in every aspect of his ministry. Prevent him from the busyness' of his pastoral duties, and may he learn to rest in You and to wait on Your leading, and Lord, keep him close to You in thought, word and deed I pray, so that he may remain pure in motive and attitude as well.

Guard and guide his home life, his wife and his children and keep each of them united in their love for You and for each other. Prevent any resentment from developing when duty calls, but rather may his home and family become a place of encouragement and refreshment for his soul. May it also be a place where You remain as the central figure.

Keep our pastor and his family from the assaults of the enemy and from the criticism that follows a man that seeks to be Christ-focussed. Guard and guide them from being tempted toward the lust of the world and the lust of the flesh or from developing any prideful attitudes.

Lord, give our pastor integrity and grace in all his duties, and may he delight himself in the Lord so that his life and example is a wonderful witness to others, so that You may be glorified through his ministry. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord, we sometimes lack wisdom as church leaders and pastors but I pray that we do not lack wisdom because we are the shepherds that lead Your flock according to Your will. I pray that we ask of You for wisdom and guidance, for You give to Your people liberally and without reproach! With You, we can lead under Your wisdom and revelation so that we may be powerful and effective leaders of Your people. Let us not have too much pride so that we do not ask of You the things that we need, because You freely give to us, Amen.

Father in Heaven, Your word says that we must endure hardship as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. As soldiers (church leaders and pastors) I pray that we remain focused on the kingdom goals that You have set out for us, because a soldier does not entangle himself with the affairs of his life, a soldier pleases him who enlisted him to be a soldier. Just as we have been called into Your heavenly army, let us fight, focusing on You and the kingdom and not on other personal affairs that are in fact irrelevant, Amen.

Dear Lord, I lift up all those that are in leadership position in our government, both locally and nationally. May they be endowed with wisdom, strength and justice to administer their duties in a manner that is right and pleasing in Your sight.

Give them the wisdom to rightly and justly administer the law and to carry out their judgements and decisions in the fear of the Lord.

Keep our leaders from adopting humanistic laws, which are so contrary to Your truth. Guard their consciences from being seared by so much that is flooding the corridors of world power today and give each one wisdom, insight and integrity in the decisions they have to reach, and may we live peaceably in this land as we wait for the any day return of the Lord Jesus Christ to take His church to be with Him into heaven. In Jesus' name we pray,


Loving Father, I thank You for our Church leaders that You have appointed

I pray that they would love Jesus with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, and that their ministry would never steal from them their first love, Jesus Christ. I pray that they would love and serve their wives and family with glad hearts, and that their family would have love for the ministry instead of resenting it for stealing their husband and daddy away.

I pray for a passion, for conviction and dedication to their calling and to Jesus Christ. I pray that they will walk in confidence while kneeling in humility as gentle shepherds who care for their sheep. I pray for encouragement in their faith and ministry, and against those who attack, slander, harm, or speak evil against them. I pray that their teaching and preaching will be accurate, true, bold, convicting, encouraging, anointed, and Christ-centred. I pray that God will guard them from burnout and depression. I pray that they will never fall prey to envy, jealousy, insecurity, or comparison. I pray for their holiness and purity, and against lust, affairs, love of money, and pride.

I pray for rest spiritually and physically, and that they know that it is not their ministry they are leading, but God's. I pray that they will finish better than they started. I pray that they will take time to have fun, do things they enjoy, spend time with their wives and play with the kids, and get away often to find peace and solitude. I pray for God to raise up people around them to assist them, serve them, honour them, encourage them, pray for them, admonish them, and protect them.

I pray that ministry, teaching, preaching, and leading will never become a chore for them, but that it would always be a joy and blessing to serve the Lord and His people with kindness and gladness, and that they would enjoy every aspect of leading, whether easy or hard, for the glory of God.


Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for all the pastoral staff in our church family and for providing us with such a dedicated team of men and women, who work so hard in Your service. Lord I pray for each one, that they would keep You as the focus of their life and that they may be surrendered to You in thought word and deed.

Give each one godly wisdom day by day as they tackle their designated ministry work, and keep them from adopting the actions and attitudes of the world, in order to accomplish Your work in this place.

Help them not to react to the urgent at the expense of acting on the important. Keep them from becoming weary of well-doing or discouraged in their various duties, and may each one be kept from trying to accomplish tasks in their own strength and wisdom, but rather I pray that each one may learn to rest in Your love and to be open to Your voice.

Lord, give each member of our pastoral staff a servant heart and a caring spirit for the whole body of Christ. May each one continue to grow in grace and show forth in their lives and homes a genuine love for those to whom they minister and a deep love for the Lord Jesus, in Whose name I pray,
