Prayer For Leaders Of Nations

Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that You are a gracious and merciful God, but I also know that you are also holy and righteous and cannot and will not look upon sin.

Be merciful I pray, to the nations whose leaders have turned their backs on You and the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom You sent to die for their sins. Be merciful to all those in positions of power who are seeking to implement a humanistic and anti-god agenda. Be merciful to those men and women in high places that are seeking to remove all vestiges of Christianity and the One true God from their nation's laws and rules.

Have mercy on the leaders who have deliberately rejected Your path of truth and justice, and bring them to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, we praise and thank You that You are the most High God Who rules in the kingdom of men. You set up leaders in their various offices and remove them by Your mighty will.

Father, we lift up the leaders of our country and all those that You have set up in places of authority to rule and govern our nation, both political and religious, and we pray that they would rule our land and the many institutions with wisdom and integrity.

We pray that each one would carry out their various responsibilities with honesty and for the benefit of the nation. Clothe each one with righteousness and justice, and we pray that all selfish ambitions would be laid aside, and that Your plans and purposes are fulfillled for the well-being of all citizens.

May Your ways be known in our country and Your name be lifted up in the corridors of power. Guide our country we pray, into the ways of peace, justice and truth. This we ask in Jesus' name,


Dear Lord and Heavenly King, thank You that there are no boundaries in Your kingdom and that You ultimately rule over heaven and earth, despite the fact that wickedness and evil seeks to dominate the nations of the world as well the lives of individuals.

I pray that You would set up godly men and women in positions of leadership and power in our own nation and in all the nations who exercise authority in our world today.

Thank You for those leaders that are prepared to stand up for truth and righteousness. Give them boldness to challenge those who want to to remove the principles of freedom and tolerance and establish the flawed principles that come from human wisdom.

Lord, I pray that You would guide the leaders of many nations to repent of their sins and turn to the path of peace that only comes from You. Help them to understand that the only peace that will ever be established on earth will be under the rule of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, after Your wrath has been poured out on a Christ rejecting sinful world. Have mercy Lord. Have mercy on all the leaders of nations who do not know You. I pray that many will be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whose name I pray.


Loving Lord, I bring before You the many leaders of the world, and those in high positions, knowing that the nation whose God is the Lord is a blessed nation indeed. I pray for those leaders around the world, who are seeking to abide by the truth of Your law. May they be tools, used by You, to maintain justice and righteousness in their respective positions and nations.

I particularly lift up those men and women whom You have called into national leadership positions and pray that they will give You first place in their lives. May they seek You diligently in prayer when they are called upon to make difficult decisions that affect the lives of so many people.

Lead and guide them into all truth and guard them from the ridicule that Christian leaders of our nations inevitably have to face in a world that has predominantly abandoned the truth of Scripture.

Lord, I lift up all kings, governors and those in high positions, and pray that You will bring many to faith in the Lord Jesus, so that we may all live peaceably in this world into which You have placed us.

Protect our nation O Lord I pray, and bring us back to a nation whose God is the Lord. In Jesus' name I pray,


We are so grateful that we have leaders that listen to us. God, please be with our government officials as they weigh the pros and cons of each constituent's request. Give them wisdom on how to best represent everyone. Father, we also ask that You give our leaders courage so that even when it's hard, they would continue to boldly represent their constituents' needs and those of the most vulnerable. Amen.

Lord, thank You for leaders who care about issues impacting the most vulnerable. We ask that You help all leaders to care for people in need, especially children. Press on the hearts of constituents a desire and drive to reach out to their government leaders on issues surrounding global poverty, and soften leaders' hearts toward these issues.

Father, we are so grateful to be living in a democracy where many play a part in making sure the needs and desires of the nation's citizens are heard and met. As our leaders work together to find solutions to difficult problems, we ask that You guide them to speak respectfully and with humility to one another. Help them to show Christ-like love to those they interact with and be an advocate for their constituents and others.

Lord, I come to You today to pray for the nations of the world and their leaders and governors. Whether a nation is governed by a king or queen, a prince or president, a prime minister or some other form of governance, we pray for each one, that they may fulfil Your plans and Your purposes, in whatever they do, in their lands.
I ask Your blessing on those that are seeking to follow Your ways and I pray for Your pity and mercy on those that are deliberately defying You as the Creator God.
Lord, I know that You are the One that places rulers in their high positions of honour, and You are also the one that removes leaders from their elevated perches. I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You would look down on the nations of the world and intervene with those that are severely oppressing their own people.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and whether at a national level or in local governance, I pray Your blessing on those men and women that are seeking to follow Your way, as they implement their authority. I also know, Lord, that the opposite is true and that those who defy the living God will come to no good.
Have pity Lord, and convict the leaders of our nations to turn to You. Protect the people that are having to live in nations with a corrupt or evil government. And may the Lord Jesus Himself return very soon to set up His perfect kingdom in this world, when the earth will be filled with a true knowledge of You. In Jesus' name I pray,