Prayer For Leadership Meeting

Omnipotent One, please bless this assembly and all its members. Thank You for allowing us to meet during this time of crisis. We trust that You are good and wise, and even the present circumstances are not outside of Your sovereign plan. Please bless us today and help us to have a biblical outlook on our present circumstances. Grant that we would be wise and respond well to the choices that we will face. We thank You, Lord, for Your wise counsel. Amen.

Righteous Lawgiver, our fellowship gathers to stand up for Your truth. We trust in You and believe Your Word. Please grant that we each would have the courage to speak up with boldness when we have the opportunity. Let our witness to the world be biblical and evangelistic. Help us to speak the truth, with love, and may we point sinners to the forgiveness that they may attain by faith in Christ. We pray in His holy name. Amen.

God, our Father, we gather together because You have made us one body, which is knit together as one by the Holy Spirit. May our unity be preserved and made stronger because of our common faith in the risen Savior. Help us to be forgiving to one another, to be teachable, and to desire the good of the congregation. Grant that Scripture would have the final word and help us each to rightly discern the truth from error. We pray for Your wisdom, in Jesus's name. Amen.

Holy Spirit, we celebrate that together we are a temple in which You have chosen to dwell. Thank You for your constant presence in each of our regenerate hearts. Help us to live in a manner that accords with Your holiness. We desire that our fellowship with You would not cause You to grieve. May we be filled with Your Holy Spirit and help us bear much fruit of the Holy Spirit. Please grant that our congregation would be sanctified and known for its righteousness. Amen.

Abba, Father, please bless our Christian assembly. We ask that You help us to look at one another as true family members and love each other the way we would as true brothers and sisters. May our hearts be zealous to express love and kindness across the body of Christ. May our fellowship be pure and dignified. Help us to build one another up, and to seek each other's best interests before our own. We desire to honor You by making the love of Christ flow freely in this fellowship. Amen.

Faithful One, as we open this meeting, we desire to ask You to help us follow Christ's example. Please let us look to our Lord as the standard for righteousness; help us to be inspired to endure hardship and express sacrifice the way He did. Make us known for being His true disciples, because we obviously follow in His footsteps. Let our gatherings remind us of this responsibility and help this meeting to orient us in that direction. Amen.

God of Wisdom, we gather together because the gospel has saved us. May we share a common desire to maintain gospel clarity. Help us to be thoughtful with our explanations and to be biblical with our theology. Use us as instruments to deliver Your message to lost souls. Our common desire is that people would hear from us that the only way to be saved is to believe in Jesus's substitutionary death and His glorious resurrection. Help us to always announce the good news when given the opportunity. Amen.

Rock Eternal, our fellowship meets in accordance with Your Word. It is our prayer that You would bless us all, and especially give our leaders guidance and courage to do what is right. Allow us to be led into godliness through a biblical example. Please grant that we may have wise and mature role models to lead us to be more like Christ. Let courage fill our hearts that we might not be surprised or disappointed when the world doesn't like us. Let us press toward the goal, being only concerned with what honors You. Amen.