Prayer For Knowledge Wisdom And Understanding

Lord Jesus, You are my wonderful example and from You comes wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Endow me I pray with Your knowledge from above, for I know that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and from Your mouth comes understanding and knowledge.

Lord, it is not the wisdom of the world that I seek, for I know that it is foolishness in Your eyes, but I seek the knowledge that comes only from You, for Your Word tells us that it is better to seek knowledge and understanding from the Lord, than to gain silver and much fine gold.

Give me humility of heart and a teachable spirit, for I confess that in me there is no good thing. But I know Lord, that by Your divine power, You have given us everything we need to live a godly life, through our knowledge of Jesus who called us by His own glory and goodness. Praise Your holy name,


Heavenly Father, we pray for schools and families whose children attend the different educational establishments, and we ask that You would look down in mercy and grace on both staff and pupils in the various schools, colleges and places of learning in our country and throughout the wider world.

We pray that truth would be taught in our schools, and that true knowledge and godly wisdom would become increasingly evident in the lessons and lectures. We pray for those students whose faith may become undermined by the wisdom of the world, and we ask that You would hold these young people steady to the Biblical knowledge and the unchanging fundamentals of life upon which we stand.

Direct and govern the schools and educational establishments of our land, and equip both staff and students with a knowledge and understanding of God's Word and a desire for the truth. This we ask in Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, I am fearfully and wonderfully made and when I read that You know the very thoughts of my heart before I even think of them, that You knew all about me when I was in my mother's womb and that You have scheduled every day of my life, it fills me with awe and wonder at Who You are. I am bewildered and yet humbled to know that the God of the universe knows me so intimately.

Lord, I long for a greater knowledge of You, a growing understanding of Who You are and a closer relationship with You. And so, I pray that in Your grace and mercy, You will give me an ever deepening knowledge of You, and a purer understanding of Your gracious ways and holy character.

Teach me how to live as You would have me live, and may all I say and do be done as unto the Lord, to Your praise and glory. Use me in whatever way You choose, and I pray that Christ may be seen in me. It was John the Baptist that said, I must decrease and He must increase, and I pray that will be the experience in my life, until Christ is all in all. In Jesus' name,


Holy Father, you who are all-knowing and wise, teach me your ways. I seek your wisdom and insight, I want to have knowledge and understanding. I seek your wisdom, so I can walk in the path you lay before me, knowing right from wrong, protecting against temptation and deceit. Fill me with your knowledge, O Lord, so I may walk in the straight and narrow path, in faithfulness to follow you. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Heavenly Father, prepare my heart I pray, and help me to be diligent in my studies. I ask that my mind would be receptive to the truths that I am learning, and that I would be able to retain and recall what I am reading, and come to a deeper understanding of all that I am learning.

Give me a keen desire to study, a heightened understanding of what I am learning, and develop in me the ability to remain alert in spirit, soul and body during this time of intense concentration. And Lord, I pray that You would develop in me a teachable spirit, an enquiring mind, and the ability to apply what I am learning in my life. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, the things that are happening in the world today are waxing worse and worse, just as the Bible said would happen in these end times, and we look to You to know what to do. Lord, we look to You for knowledge and wisdom at a time when all that is connected with God and godliness is being so severely attacked, and is so quickly being eroded away.

Father, we know that the Bible is Your Word of truth, and yet throughout the nations it is losing its authority and respect, and being replaced with secular humanism and an anti-God agenda. Father, we know that the Lord Jesus is coming soon to judge the nations with righteousness and truth, but we pray that as we wait for His any day return, that You would grant us Your knowledge and wisdom to know what to do and how to behave in a world that is spiralling out of control. We pray that Jesus will come soon. In His name we pray,


Dear Heavenly Father, I love Your Word and I thank You for the wisdom and understanding that You have graciously given me.

I love reading the Bible and learning of You. It thrills me to talk of Jesus with others, and gossip the gospel of grace, but I often find that I cant recall biblical truths that I have been taught and scriptural references that I have read.

Lord, I pray that You would help me to retain, remember and recall the biblical knowledge that I have, and be able to recall the lovely truths of Your Word that I have been shown. Help me to recall scripture verses and retain biblical truths, and teach me more of Your love and grace. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Dear Lord Jesus, You are the immortal, invisible all-powerful and all-knowing God, Who is worthy of all praise and worship. In You all things exist and are held together, and nothing is hidden from Your sight. You have brought me into Your family, covered me with Your robe of righteousness and bestowed on me the unsearchable riches of Your marvellous grace, for which I praise and thank Your holy name.

Lord, You told us that life is to know You more and more and to grow into a deeper and more intimate knowledge and understanding of You with each passing hour, and Lord I ask that in Your grace You would help me deepen my understanding of You.

Absolute and all knowing God, Nothing is hidden from Your sight. Since the beginning, all knowledge existed within You, and Your knowledge continues to shine forth forever! Praise Your holy name.
