Prayer For Job Loss

Lord, I am coming to you today with a heavy heart
Filled with regret over the past, and anxiety for the future.
I am out of work, and my finances are in deep trouble.
I have made many mistakes. Help me to forgive myself, and
others, so that I may make amends with all concerned.
Grant me peace of mind, so I can fill my life with your
goodness and grace.
Guide me toward a good job where I may fulfill my needs
as a better and wiser person.
Thank you Lord, for listening to me and helping me today.
Life is not always easy, but I will strive to remember that You
are always there to help me
As you are right in this moment. Thank you!

Lord God,
Your Name is higher than any other name. I humble myself before You while I seek Your face. Right now I am concerned about my job whether I will be terminated or laid off. However, because of my confidence in You, I am able to excel in my job even when the future is uncertain. Faith in You, God, trumps my fear in this situation. I yield to Your will for my life and I trust You with my career. You are my very present help in trouble. My ears are open to hear from You. I confess Your Word in Isaiah 41:13 For I, the Lord Your God will hold your right hand saying to you Fear not, for I will help you.' (NKJV) I can do nothing without your help. Thank You for helping me and giving me peace.

In Jesus' name I pray,



I know the pain and confusion my close friend is going through right now. Losing a job isn't easy and they are probably feeling like a failure right now. Please show them that they are anything but. Help remind them of the amazing qualities you blessed them with when you created them. They are strong, beautiful and can get through this pain. With your arm stretched around them, please provide comfort and stability during this difficult time. I pray that you help them battle the overwhelming stress that has come with this loss. I know with your help they can do anything.



Losing a job can be hard on the entire family, from spouse to children and even the dog, if money is tight and even the smallest costs cause stress. Please let my friend's family be lifted up during this difficult time. I pray that they have the strength to remain calm and hopeful even as things seem to be falling apart. I pray their children are fed and clothed, and please give my friend the courage to let me know if these basic necessities are not being met so I can provide help. I pray that the children are not affected by this loss and it resolves itself so quickly that they never knew anything tragic happened. I pray that their spouse is supportive and caring during this time and that their marriage grows stronger because of it, and not farther apart. I give my heart to this family and ask for You to give them the love and peace they need at this time.

In Jesus' Name I Pray


God, we pray for all those who have suddenly lost employment. There are many. We ask you to first give them peace and a settled confidence. Their natural response is to shock and then fear, and to begin questioning their abilities, the past accomplishments and their future prospects. Give them your encouragement today, and do so through surprising ways, both directly from your Spirit and through other people who come across their path. Build them up, as this situation has torn them down. Remind them of past victories, and awaken new dreams for their future. Give them today divine appointments with people who may be key in opening a new future for them. Give them hope; lighten their step; lift the anxiety from their body; give them sleep and an unexpected joy. God, you intend us to have a purposeful life. You give us work assignments to accomplish because you designed us to help you create and sustain your creation. We are not made for idleness or sloth. We need meaningful work. So for all those who have lost a job, today bring them one step closer to a new direction. Show them any areas in their own character that need to change in order for their destiny to be realized. Then give them the wisdom and power to make those changes, by your Spirit. Today is a new day with new possibilities. Let nothing stand in the way of your purposes in the lives of those who, without your assistance, cannot find their next course. We pray this in Jesus

Sovereign Lord, I have lost my job, and I have great concern about the profound effect this will have on many aspects of my finances. I pray that You will assist me with the wisdom and the grace I will need with regard to my personal finances until I can find new employment, in matters like adjusting my budget and figuring out what to do about unemployment benefits and health insurance. Amen.

Lord Jesus, we are facing increasing numbers of men and women who are finding it difficult to obtain a job and keep it, due to the ever-growing unemployment figures, while there are others who are continuously concerned that the job they have is insecure, knowing that any day they may be facing a permanent and devastating job loss.

Lord, this adds to the stress on individuals and on their families and we pray that many would turn to You and seek You, knowing that You alone are the One in whom they can find a permanent solution, true security and lasting peace of mind.

Lord, as a nation and as a world we have turned our backs on You and having sown a national wind' we are in the process of reaping a world-wide whirlwind,' and Father, You alone are the answer to our individual, community and national problems.

May we repent of our sins as individual Christians who have wandered far from You and allowed the things of this world to influence our relationship with You. May we repent as Your Church and body of Christ, for we have compromised the truth of Scripture and turned a blind eye to the evils that have infiltrated our places of worship.

May we repent as a nation and turn back to the Lord our God, and may we look to You to be the one and only source of our hope, knowing that only when the Lord Jesus returns will the problems of life be finally put right. This we ask in Jesus' name,


Merciful Provider, you sustain and nourish all who are in your kingdom, from the birds of the air, to the beasts of the earth, to your human children. You seek out the needful and the suffering and raise them up. You provide for the hungry, the thirsty and those in need of shelter. Lord, we lift up our prayers to you for all who are being impacted by the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. For those whose incomes have been reduced, for those whose jobs have been suspended and all who are facing unemployment across all industries, companies, and positions. Holy one, you sustain all who fall and raise up all who are bowed down. Provide for the families and individuals who are enduring economic hardship. Draw your people together in one supportive and loving community. Amen.