Prayer For Job Promotion

Lord, my Creator and Sustainer, You are the omnipotent Creator and I praise You because You are the author of my divine promotion. I know that You are in control of my life. You also control the times and seasons and You remove and appoint kings, or those in authority. Lord, thank You for appointing me to this new position. Just as You gave wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who had understanding, please grant me the same wisdom and knowledge for this promotion. Amen.

Almighty and Everlasting God, I thank You for granting my wish of achieving a divine promotion. I pray that You give me the strength to achieve the goals set out before me. Help me to always work hard to fulfill Your divine purpose. Let striving for this goal be a challenge that helps build my character. I also pray that in everything I do, You will see my heart, and that my motivation will please You and not man. This is the prayer of my heart. Amen.

O God, my Strength, I believe that I can do all things through You who strengthens me. I ask that You have Your divine way in my life so that I can grow into this divine promotion that You have called me to. I pray that You will help me to be fearless as I enter new territories. Crush my fear. Help me act in power, love and with a sound mind. Amen.

Sovereign Lord, I thank You because I have been risen out of the dust. It is You that lifts the needy from the ash heap. I am thankful for this divine promotion into this new position. I praise You, Father, as You cause me to be seated with princes of Your people. But Lord, I pray that You will help me to not entertain self-glorification because of this promotion, but in total humility help me to use it to serve You. Amen.

Jesus, my Savior, I praise You because of Your divine favor over my life. Just like Your chosen servant Abraham was blessed, I too am blessed and praise You for this divine promotion. Because of Your blessings over my life, my name will be made great so that I can be a blessing to others. Lord, even though I don't fully understand where You are taking me, I trust solely in You as You direct and lead me in this new journey of my life. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for shaping and guiding my life and for this promotion. I am sure that it is You who has positioned me where I am now and for this reason, I am grateful. Lord, I pray that You help me to remain humble in my current promotion so that You may promote me again in due time, according to Your will and purpose. I pray that any promotions that are not from You will be undone. In Jesus' name, thank You, Lord. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

You have seen me labor. I have been faithful over small things. Please help me to be faithful over large things. Expand my territory. Promote me to the next level of responsibility. Guide my steps and priorities. Increase my faith as I wait on you to move obstacles out of my path. Lord you have a plan and purpose for my life that no man can alter.

Lord give me a vision that shows me the path that you want me to go. Lord continue to speak to me in my dreams. Give me your clear direction and help me to be bold and confident as I perform my responsibilities. Lord I thank you for increase. I thank you for spiritual growth and material growth. Help me to give you the glory and honor in everything I do.

Use me in a mighty way. Have your way in my life. I thank you for all that you have done in my life and I am expecting to see blessings for me and my family for years to come. Lord, I thank you for the opportunity to honor you and give you the glory. I pray this prayer in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!

Dear Heavenly Father,

When so many people are out of work I am grateful that You have blessed me with the means to a livelihood. I know that with a roof over my head and food on the table I already live better than many in the world.

So it is with a sense of gratitude for all I already have and have been given that I come to You with the request for promotion. I truly believe You have planted in my heart the desire to grow in my skills, to assume greater responsibilities, to exercise leadership to a greater degree in ways that helps others to grow.

I pray first of all that You would help me to walk worthy of a promotion. Reveal in my heart and spirit ways that I need to grow and personally improve to be ready for promotion. I pray that You will bless my work and influence and that all I do will positively contribute to the growth of my company and the workers around me. I pray that You will bring me and my work to the attention of those in positions to offer promotion.

But I affirm that promotion ultimately comes from You and I will not forget to thank and praise You for Your work on my behalf.

In the Name of the Lord Amen