Prayer For Jobless Husband

Heavenly Father, You are a God who loves us and You
know what our family needs most. Please give my
husband wisdom in his job search. Help him
determine which opportunities to pursue and which
ones to avoid. Give him powerful words and a
confident charisma so others will see him as a strong
candidate for employment.

Dear Lord,

I lift up the economy to you. I pray for change. I pray that the system would get its act together and provide more jobs for people. The unemployment rate is astronomical! Lord, you know the details of every single person. You know why some have jobs and why others don't. I ask that you would reveal to each person why they are where they are and comfort them with your peace. May we trust in your economy regardless of what the world's economy does. You are stable and you provide! I pray that husbands and wives would trust in you during the times that are hard, the seasons of unemployment, the moments they are overwhelmed with fear because of lack. May you step in and intercede for them. May you provide for their needs in Jesus name AMEN!

Father God, my husband is
fearfully and wonderfully made
by your amazing hands. He is
part of your grand plan. Lord,
help him to understand his
purpose in the midst of such
difficult circumstances. Inspire
his heart and mind with your
plans, so he may go forward
walking out Your perfect will

Father, I rejoice in the gift of my
husband. This layoff has been
hard on his spirit. Lord, free him
from feeling helpless and lost in
this storm. Help him to know
that no matter how dark our
situation may seem, You are a
light that can never be put out.
Show him an added sense of Your
presence, Lord.

My husband was laid off a few years ago and I just last year. We have 1 child and have been living off on just my UE alone. It hurts me everyday to see him apply to qualifying jobs only to NOT hear a callback or followup response at all. He has had numerous phone interviews and even a face to face interview but again NO callbacks. These companies seem to look so lowly upon the unemployed, not even considering that they maybe unemployed for more reasons than poor performance. I see in my husband's face, his confidence and self esteem, slowly diminishing. And I stand there trying my hardest to boost it up reminds me when you are at your hardest that is when God is carrying you. I pray to God that not only your husband, BUT all the struggling families out there be blessed with God's glorious giftsmay it be a job opportunity, great health, strength w/in the love amongst each other, and better yetthat this world truly finds the compassion WE all should have as people. My heart and soul goes out TO ALL OF YOU in this prayerPlease take this moment and truly feel God's energyPrayer is the most powerful thing, that WE as a people share. ~In God's love ALWAYS.Amen.q

Dear Prayer Team,

My partner has been wanting to get a job out of the country. He is a Diploma but his office does not want to promote him. Kindly help me to pray with him to be promoted. Life is unbearable with a job in Africa. I really want him to work so as to be able to sustain his family. He just can't understand what is happening in his life, sometimes he wants to give up, but I keep persuading him to take courage and look up to God. I hope your prayers added to my and his will open the floodgate in his life.


Dear heavenly Father, As you know my husband quit his job two years ago. He has not held one since. I have been the sole provider for our small family of three and the stress it has put on our marriage. Especially the fact that all he has been doing is drinking and watching tv. Please Heavenly Father help my husband kick his alcoholism once and for all. Help him to become the great father , provider, and husband he once was. I know father that you can and will do this. Also help me to become a better wife and spouse. Help me to control my hot temp when I become stressed at having to do everything. Help me to do it with grace and love and patience, but I pray that I stop be a part of the problem. I know you are working on him and whatever you start you will finish. Above all I pray you strengthen his faith and a desire for your Holy Word. In Jesus's name I pray Amen

Dear Heavenly Father, You instruct us to give thanks in everything (I Thessalonians 5:18), and as difficult as it is to do that during a time of job loss, please give me the grace to obey. Please let me not become so focused on my circumstances that I neglect Your blessings. I pray that You would increase my faith and draw me closer to You than ever before during this season. It's in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, that I pray. Amen.