Prayer For Healing Breast Cancer

Lord, You have taught me that faith as small as a mustard seed can grow into an amazing tree. Today I give you my little seed of faith. I place it firmly in the ground of your word. I water it with truth. The warmth of your love will make it grow. Today I ask by faith that you would bring healing from this cancer. I place my trust in you. May this seed sow healing into every area where the tumour has emerged. May it grow into a strong work, redeeming and restoring with great strength and power. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I declare in your name that cancer will not steal this life, there will be restoration and healing! I proclaim freedom from cancer cells, I pray against their multiplication and growth and from the transference of these cells to different areas of the body. I prophesy a new balance. I command the cells that have grown in the wrong place to diminish, to fade and to vanish into nothing. I sing out life over and through the body of my friend. May light fill their minds, may hope fill their thoughts and may your love expand in their hearts. I know that you died and rose again so that cancer could be overcome, that it was taken to the cross and left there. I wait, holding my dear friend in prayer, focused on you my Saviour, expectant and in faith! I pray all this in your glorious name. Amen.

Dearest Father, thank you that you love us and minister to us by your Spirit released into our hearts by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are Lord of Heaven and Earth, the creator of all and the giver of life. You renew the Earth and every heartbeat and breath comes from you. So, I lift those battling with cancer to you and I pray for them now. Help me to be a channel to bring your healing touch here on Earth. Lord, I trust in your name, the highest name, holy, true and just. I pray out the cancer cells, the imbalanced growth and illness in the name of Jesus. I remain in your promises, I await your touch and I long for your intervention. Thank you that you are powerful and mighty. One word from you brings transformation and nothing is outside of your authority and amazing love. I declare to the powers of darkness that Jesus is alive! Thank you that he has triumphed over all darkness with healing in his wings. In the name of the most wonderful! Amen.

Father, for the strength you have given me I thank you.
For the health you have blessed me with, I thank you.
For the women who are going through breast cancer and their families
I ask you to strengthen and to heal as you see fit.
Lord we know you want us to be in good health and to prosper.
Lord use us to do the work you have for us to do.
For we know time is getting short on this earth.
Lord be with every woman who is sick
and encourage them as only you can.
I know how faithful you are.
You have shown yourself to be everything
you say you are in your Holy Word.
I praise you for you made this body
and you can heal this body.
In Jesus Name I pray.


Dear Lord,

You know my prayer before I pray it. You know about the breast cancer that I have experienced, the surgeries, the treatments, work and family related issues, and financial constraints. I ask you to bless and heal me. Please heal my body that I may never have cancer again.

I ask that each day brings me closer to you, and I ask that you restore my strength. Give me your love, wisdom, common sense, knowledge and the strength to overcome anything unhealthy. I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

St. Agatha, woman of valor,
from your own suffering we have been moved
to ask your prayers for those of us who suffer from breast cancer.

We place (person's name) before you,
and ask you to intercede on their behalf.

From where you stand in the health of life eternal,
all wounds healed,
and all tears wiped away,
pray for (prayer intention),
and all of us.

Pray God will give us His holy benediction of health and healing.
And, we remember you were a victim of torture
and that you learned, first hand,
of human cruelty and inhumanity.

We ask you to pray for our entire world.
Ask God to enlighten us
with a genius for peace and understanding.

Ask Him to send us His Spirit of Serenity,
and ask Him to help us share
that peace with all we meet.

From what you learned
from your own path of pain,
ask God to give us the Grace we need
to remain holy in difficulties,
not allowing our anger
or our bitterness to overtake us.

Pray that we will be more peaceful and more charitable.
And from your holy pace in our mystical body, the Church,
pray that we, in our place and time will, together,
create a world of justice and peace.



We come to You now in the name of Jesus Christ, interceding for all those facing a cancer diagnosis. Your children are being attacked not only with this infirmity but with thoughts that fill them with fear and dread.

And yet, I know Your word says You did not give us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind. Lord, we cast these thoughts and cares aside and choose to think on Your goodness and mercy.

We choose to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report; things with virtue and praise. We choose to think about You. You keep your children in perfect peace when they keep their minds stayed on You. Help your children set their minds and affections on things above, not on their cancer diagnoses.

Guard their hearts with all diligence. Don't let these thoughts move them from Your presence. Father, You are holy and just. And You love them unconditionally. Thank You for being here for your children in their time of need. Thank You for sending Your Son so they can have eternal life.

Lord, I pray for continued strength to endure. I believe that even this cancer diagnosis will work together for their good. Father, bless their families. Strengthen them. I know it isn't easy watching a loved one endure a cancer diagnosis. Renew their minds and encourage them. Reassure them that they are in the palm of Your hand.

Father bless all their doctors. Give them the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to treat these illnesses. Be glorified through their lives. Use them as You will. Use them as an instrument of praise. Use them as an instrument of worship. Use them as a testament of Your goodness, grace, and mercy. Use them to impart hope and faith in others.

We trust You, even in the midst of this trial. Be glorified, Father. Lord, I rebuke the spirit of fear. Through Your strength, your children will not allow fear to take control of their minds or spirits. They have the victory over cancer through Christ Jesus. Help them to always be a light. Let others look at them and see Christ, not suffering. Let others look at them and see hope and health, not death.

Father, You are the God of all comfort. Use them to comfort others with the comfort You supply.

Thank you, Lord, for everything You do for your children. Thank You for loving, protecting, and healing us. Thank You for being our great physician. Never take Your presence from us. We need it in life and death.

In Jesus's name,


Dear Jesus, my friend has developed a lump on her breast and is concerned that this might be cancer. I ask You Lord Jesus to comfort and help her and to guide her, as to who she ought to go and see and what to do about this concern that she has.
I know that You have said that if we ask anything in Your name You would do it. I ask You, Lord, to visit my friend at her point of need and minister to her and give her courage, as only You can and Jesus, I ask that this lump may go right away.
I also pray that You will use me to be a comfort and support at this worrying time and I pray that we both learn to rest in You and to trust You in all things, knowing that You care about every part of our lives and our bodies.
Thank You that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and I pray for Your healing touch on my dear sister in Christ, that this lump will go away quickly, and we will praise Your name.
I ask this prayer in the name of Jesus,