Prayer For Healing Broken Relationship

Heavenly Father, I profess that I do not understand my partner's needs. I don't know how to fix our problems.

Please open my eyes to my partner so that I can see why he or she acts the way they do. And please help me to understand, too, my own motivations and needs so that I can know when I am in the wrong.

Lord, grant us both a greater understanding of one another, and take away the preconceived notions and assumptions that are keeping us from truly communicating. Bring my partner and I closer together, and closer to you, than ever before.

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Dear Lord God, I feel like I am stuck in a relationship that has no sense of direction, and this is causing a lot of agony in my life. I know that you put my partner and I together for a higher purpose. Help us to walk in that purpose together. Father, show us areas we need to grow as individuals and as a couple. Grant us the grace to follow what you tell us to do. Fill us with the courage to step out of our comfort zones and what the world calls normal so that we can represent the kingdom and glorify your holy name. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

God Almighty, your name is always glorified when the relationships of your children thrive. Please transform our relationship so that it may align with your plans and your word. Let this transformation helps us be salt and light to other couples that are struggling in their relationships. Uproot the bad seeds that have been planted in our relationship by the world and let your word be the only standard upon which we measure ourselves. May your love and grace transform our hearts and minds that we may live for the glory of your holy name. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray. Amen

Lord, I take comfort in the fact that you know all things. My relationship is struggling, and I don't know what to do. Please reveal to me the things that I, or my partner, can do better in order for our relationship to please you.

And if it's time to end the relationship, please help me to see and accept this. Open my eyes to any abuse that I may be suffering, and give me the strength to escape it. If my partner is hiding something from me, let it come to light so that I can make an informed decision.

In Jesus' Name, amen."

Almighty God, we ask you today to help us show love to each other, instead of animosity. Let this relationship be guided by the love you have for us and not our selfish interests. May our hearts be filled with your overflowing love. Help us to overflow with that love, and spread love to others wherever we go. Holy Spirit of God, remind us of your unconditional love so that we can always walk in your love as a couple. Give us the grace to be kind to one another even when we disagree. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Dear God, I ask that you please heal the damage that has built up through the long struggle my partner and I have been through in our relationship. Please bless us both with the wisdom to take the knowledge of what we've done wrong and use it to make things better.

Lord, let love suffuse our relationship. Let it fill every corner of our lives, healing the rift between us. Help my partner and I to love one another as Christ loves the Church, as you love your human children: unconditionally and respectfully.

In Christs' Name, amen."

Dear God, we are going through one of the most challenging times in our relationship. Love and respect have been replaced by arguments and mistrust. Father, I am full of resentment, and so is my partner. Take away these feelings of resentment and give us peace and joy. Let peace reign when we communicate with each other. Let your spirit take control of our relationship. May we do things that are pleasing to you as a couple. In Jesus' name, Amen

Lord, help us to forgive each other the way you have forgiven us. Remove pride and arrogance from our hearts and help us to walk with humility as partners. Teach us how to be gracious towards each other, especially when we are disappointed by what our partner has done. Help us to truly understand each other. Soften our hearts that we may be quick to forgive and not hold grudges against each other. Give us the patience to stay calm and be slow to anger. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.