Prayer For Flood Victims

Lord our Comforter, so many souls have died because of this sudden and violent storm surge. We pray for their families and other loved ones; please bring them comfort in this time of great grief. Be merciful to them, O Lord, in their distress. Show Your lovingkindness and Your goodness to them. Hide them in the secret place of Your presence. Be their rock of refuge, their stronghold of hope and restoration. Amen.

Dear Lord of Consolation, use us to provide comfort and encouragement and practical help to those who have been victims of this flood. Show us how we, both individually and as a church body, can minister in Your Name. Guide us in ways to help, immediately, and in the long term. Guide us in donations with relief organizations and contributing and taking part in the rebuilding effort. Amen.

God of compassion,
You created a world for us
To know your love and peace
Yet amidst the beauty of creation
We encounter pain and hurt
And forces beyond our control.
At times like this our hearts are shaken and ache with sorrow.

At the destruction of our lives, homes and livelihoods.
Hear our prayers for those affected by the floods
And for all those working
To bring relief and fresh hope.


Lord I pray your hand of safety and guidance upon all the victims of the regions under flood conditions. Bless these people Lord and keep them safe. Do not let the flood waters steal their lives. Drive back the floods to protect their homes and their precious animals. Bless the first responders and the volunteers working to keep people safe. God I pray you would quiet the storms and chase the rain clouds away. Amen.

Father, we pray for the victims of the typhoons in the Philippines that you give them comfort in their dealings with their losses and provide them with all their needs. Provide them food, shelter and all their necessities. Give them healing and take away their fears. Give them the courage to face their losses and give them strength to care for their injured loved ones. Heal the hearts of those who lost their loved ones.
Father, we intercede on behalf of everyone affected by these storms. Bless, keep, protect, and comfort each and every one of them. Father, meet every need, and I pray for the safety of every missing person.
Let every grieving family know of your love in a special way. Bind the hand and voice of the enemy so they can hear you clearly.
Help and strengthen every person helping in the search, support, treatment, and cleanup effort.
Lord Jesus, our Prince of peace, bring peace to the victims and their family and friends. Perform miracles on their behalf that they may find financial aid and all types of relief they need to survive from these natural disasters.
We thank you Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit for hearing our prayers.

Merciful Lord, look with kindness and mercy on all those who suffer from the flooding in Louisiana. In Your mercy and according to Your will, supply their physical needs, give them hope and comfort in the midst of their distress, and grant them faith in the One who suffered for us, Jesus Christ. Guide, equip and strengthen all who work to bring healing and relief. Swiftly restore order and peace. Use this time and these events to humble us before You, to lead us to repent of our sin, and to seek Your mercy and love, which never fails; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Lord, Bring quick relief from flood waters across the UK
and protection from loss of life or injury as the bad
weather continues. Give wisdom to the government to
ensure that flood defences are improved for future years.
For all those affected by loss of electric power or disruption
to transport, bring peace and a quick resolution of
difficulties. Let this also be an opportunity for a sense of
community Spirit to flourish in communities very badly
affected. Help the church to know how to respond well to
the needs of surrounding areas. Amen

Compassionate God, source of all comfort,
We pray for the people whose lives have devastated by rain and flood.
Bring them comfort, we pray.
Protect the vulnerable. Strengthen the weak.
Have mercy on all those working to rescue the stranded .
And may our response to their suffering be generous and bring you praise.
For we ask it in Jesus' name,