Prayer For Financial Problems

You are bigger than anything I face. I don't know how to make ends meet, but you do. Show me the way, pour your infinite wisdom and knowledge into this situation because I don't have the answers anymore. I don't know how to dig myself out of this hole. Please enlighten me and help me find real solutions to my problems. Amen.

God,The stress of money problems is getting the best of me. I am irritable and very scared. I am not sure how to find a solution to all that is required. But You know the answer. For You know everything. Lord, You go before me and You are with me and that is something I need to be more aware of. Help me not to fear the future or even the present, but rather boldly walk with You moment by moment through this trial and all of my days. Amen.

Nothing is impossible with you. Nothing. You calm the storms and heal the blind. You are the God of miracles, and God I need a miracle. My situation has gotten pretty bad and I need financial help, desperately. I humbly and boldly ask that You send me the finances I need to cover the bases. Thank You, Lord, that I can always come to You and seek help. Amen.


Teach me how to responsibly take care of my finances. Help me with being a steward to all that You have blessed me with, and it is a lot, even in times of hardship, I can see You have given me much. Lord, I need you to multiply my resources. Please provide a harvest from the little I have. Thank you, amen.


You are the God of all resources. Everything is at your disposal. Life is tough right now and money is even tighter. I need your provision to help me take care of all that needs to be taken care of in my life. Please come to my rescue and quickly, I'm drowning. Amen.

God, help us straighten out our financial problems. We haven't been good stewards of our money. Give us a new attitude and a new commitment to managing our finances wisely and responsibly. If our problems are beyond our repair, help us find a way, Your way, to meet our obligations. We place this need before You, knowing that You will guide us to a good solution. Amen.

Dear Lord, help me to leave my financial worries in Your Hands. Guide me to peace so that I can hear Your wisdom. Keep me mindful of my blessings no matter how much or little I may have. Grant me the patience and tolerance necessary to calm my spirit knowing that You have everything under control. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Dear Lord, I surrender my financial worries to Your love and care. Guide me with Your wisdom and help me make the changes necessary to live within my means. Help me remember my needs are met according to Your riches in glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.