Prayer For Financial Situation

O Lord,

You placed the stars in the sky.
You created a myriad of beautiful life.
You gave us our breathe and water to drink.
You are a living Lord.
You are my Saviour, in whom I trust.
Please rescue me from this financial crisis,
Come redeem this situation.
I ask for your almighty hand to come and cover me.
Give me wisdom and strength to stand strong through this storm.
I ask for a miracle by your redeeming love.
Please restore me, lead me to a safe place, a secure place,
A place of financial balance.

In you I trust.


Lord, I confess I've made mistakes.
I have accumulated too much debt, and
now I can not imagine overcoming it
without your help.

Please Lord, I beg of you to intercede
on my behalf. Provide me with the financial
means to be able to breathe again.

Please forgive my sins, Lord. Walk with
me and help me to make the right decisions
throughout my life.

In your name I pray, Amen

Heavenly Father,
I Come before you today to ask for
a financial blessing to improve my life.
My faith keeps me strong,
and I know you will provide for me
and the people I love.

I do not seek a large sum of money.
I do not trouble you for unneeded comforts
or luxury. I only ask for enough money
to relieve my financial woes and ease this stress.

Give me the means to do your work,
and spread your Love. I have so much
to give, if only I were allowed the chance.

In your name I pray, Amen

Dear Lord,
In this time of uncertainty,
Be my rock in a world built on sand;
Be my oasis of grace and peace in a world filled with tension and turmoil;
Help me to carry my cross gracefully, as you did in Your Passion;
Help me to follow Your beam of light in the midst of this darkness;
Help me to see Your will in all things
And show others Your comfort and strength.

Keep me calm when tempers flare up;
Keep me sane in a crazy world;
Keep me focused on the houses in Heaven
rather than the houses of cards collapsing around me;
Keep my eyes focused on the prize of Heaven
and not lose hope in You in this world or in the world to come;
Make me compassionate in dealing with others;
Let me see my travails as carrying my cross and sharing in Your Passion, for the love of You and for the salvation of souls, including mine.
And may all my difficulties be ultimately for my good and Your glory. Amen.

Gracious and generous God, You are the Giver of all good gifts. You know my needs before I bring them to You. And You who have faithfully carried [me] from the womb promise to continue to carry me and deliver me through any problems I may encounter. Right now, Lord, I ask for deliverance from difficult financial issues that You are well aware of. Lord, I know that this apparently impossible situation is not impossible for You, that You are sovereign and wise and good, so I ask You for wisdom and to deliver me and to You be all the glory! Deliver me, I pray, that I may faithfully serve You in all things.

Dear Father, You who are gracious and kind, hear my prayer! I face more financial pressure than I can bear. Save [me] now, I pray. Show me, Lord, what I must do to get out from under this heavy burden. Give me Your wisdom and discipline, I pray, that I may move toward resolution of this situation. Guard my heart, Lord, and my steps; protect me from bad advice and foolish actions. Draw me close to You, for I need Your comfort and guidance.

Dear God, Make me a cheerful giver of all my tithes and offerings. I chose to receive all of Your promises and blessings as I am obedient to Your Word. Help me to remember the poor, knowing that I am lending to You and You will repay. Let me give with an attitude of gratitude and worship. I have nothing without You and I will take nothing out with meonly souls. I love to give! Help me to hear the exact amount and to whom to give of my offerings. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Heavenly Father,
I come before you today to ask for a financial blessing to improve my life.
My faith keeps me strong, and I know you will provide for me and the people I love.
I do not seek a large sum of money.
I do not trouble you for unneeded comforts or luxury.
I only ask for enough money to relieve my financial woes and ease this stress.
Give me the means to do your work, and spread your Love.
I have so much to give, if only I were allowed the chance.
In your name I pray, Amen