Prayer For Financial Stability

Heavenly Father, in You I am complete.
Your heart knows no bounds to Your generosity;
My heart flees at the sight of poverty.
My heart asks for security and stability in my financial dealings
that I may be free from an uncertain future.
I pray for your protection of my heart, that it be free from fear;
that I might be the creator of my life circumstances, as You are my Creator.

Please pray for massive health and financial miracles for me and mine. Immediate help needed! We love you, heart of Jesus! Thank you Our Lady, Holy Family and all the divine assistance! I pray for all here too! Hallelujah!

Holy Spirit, help us to act responsibly in the way we handle our money. Remind us to put God first in everything we do. Give us a strong conviction to never withhold our tithes and offerings and to be generous toward others. Lord, teach us to be cheerful givers, for You promised that if we sow sparingly we will also reap sparingly. But if we sow bountifully we will also reap bountifully. Help those of us who are married to work together, not against one another, and to pray for direction about our family finances. Help all of us to seek out wise counsel to improve our understanding of financial management. Give us patience as we go through the process of correction and restoration. May we learn from our past mistakes and be mindful to leave a faithful path of excellence in stewardship for our children to follow.

Holy Father, forgive us of our many sins, including slothfulness, greed, pride, selfishness, arrogance, and rebelliousness. Forgive us when we carelessly make vows, then break them. Forgive us for conforming to the world's way of doing things instead of adopting the values of the Kingdom. Forgive those of us who still withhold our tithe from You. Lord, forgive me for (list any sins that you have committed). Holy Spirit, remind us of all those we need to forgive and help us to be quick to forgive. As for me, Holy Spirit, bring to my remembrance those I need to forgive. (Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to show you names or faces of people that you may need to forgive. As He shows you, say aloud, I forgive name of person(s). Now, trust the Lord to heal any wounds in your soul caused by unforgiveness.)

Holy Spirit, help us to not yield to temptation; but deliver us from the evil one.

Almighty King, You are greater than we can understand. Your years cannot be counted. Everything comes from You and exists by Your power and is intended for Your glory. All glory to You, Lord, forever! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Beloved Father, thank You for being our Great Provider. Thank you for jobs, businesses, and income. Thank You for all of the blessings that Your favor has afforded us. Let us live forever in Your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of Your wings! For You have heard our vows, O God. You have given us an inheritance reserved for those who fear Your Name. May we remain under Your protection forever. May Your unfailing love and faithfulness watch over us. Then we will sing praises to Your Name forever as we fulfill our vows each day.

Lord, we, the Body of Christ, declare that the earth is Yours, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to You. In light of this truth, we declare that we will not rely on the government or anyone else to help us to become financially stable. We will trust in You with all our hearts and we will not depend on our own understanding. We will seek Your will in all we do, and we know that You will show us which path to take. We will not place the welfare of our families at risk by making hasty or unwise financial decisions. As ambassadors of Your Kingdom, we take authority over debt, greed, and reckless spending in all forms. In Jesus' Name, we rebuke the spirit of poverty, and we command that all that God has entitled us to have is released back into our possession right now! We decree that we will not love money, but we will be satisfied with what we have, for Father, You promised that You will never fail us and You will never abandon us. We will no longer be in fear about our financial future, but we will submit to the guidance of the Holy Spirit who understands all things pertaining to life.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for today. Thank You for your provision and thank You for all that we have. I know that finances is a top issue stirring contention between marriages today. So many husbands and wives are burdened by their desire for financial stability. I pray You would remove the grip money can have and replace it with Your righteousness. Help husbands and wives come together in harmony and agree on a plan or strategy for their finances. Most important I pray they offer all they have up to You and allow You to guide their every decision in Jesus' name AMEN!

Heavenly Father have mercy on me for my entire family depends on me and im going through financial crises that am unable to assit them and any other needy person as ive done before.

Dear God provide for my needs, finance stability & family health according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus.Amen.

Almighty God, today, I feel that my world is crashing down, and I feel like everything is going wrong. I thought I planned my life well, and I now know that I was wrong. I forgot that You own the master plan of my life, and I am merely Your creation. Be my stronghold, so I can have the courage to face my financial struggles now. Give me the strength to be able to stand up and fix the problems I am facing. I trust that You will provide, for You have a bigger plan for me that goes beyond my understanding. Amen.

Holy One, I pray for the financial difficulties I am currently experiencing. You are my only source of hope and strength, and I am now holding stronger onto You. I do not know how to get out of this situation alone, but with You, I know everything and anything is possible. Guide my decisions so I can better myself and my current status. Please grant me the proper mindset so I can find a financial breakthrough as soon as possible. Amen.