Prayer For Financial Security

Father, Your Word says that He who ministers seed to the sower both ministers bread for my food and multiplies my seed sown and increases the fruits of my righteousness. Therefore, I am enriched in everything to all bountifulness, which causes through us thanksgiving to God. I thank You for it, Lord. I stand on Mark 4:23 which says, If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.' So I make the decision right now to receive. I will receive. I will do all the things necessary. I will plantI am planting now. I put the sickle to the harvest. My confession is on the Word. My confession is by faith. In Jesus' Name, I receive now by faith the hundredfold return on this seed that is in my hand. I do this in obedience to the Word. And, Satan, in the Name of Jesus, I rebuke you. You are the persecutor. Take your hands off my money! This is not your seed. It is not your land. It is mine and God's. Stay out of my garden! Stay off my farm, for the harvest is mine! Lord Jesus, I plant this seed into ________ (ministry or church) and believe in its return because You said it. I dedicate it to Your service, to Your affairs, in Jesus' Name. It will be as the loaves and fishes when You used the hundredfold principle to feed the people. Amen!

Dear God,
I surrender my financial affairs and concerns about money to your Divine care and love.
I ask that you remove my worries, anxieties, and fears about money, and replace them with faith.
I know and trust that my debts will be paid and money will flow into my life.
I have only to look to nature to see proof of the abundance you provide.
I release all negative thoughts about money, and know that prosperity is my true state.
I commit to being grateful for all that I now have in my life.
I learn to manage my finances wisely, seeking help where needed.
And finally, I ask you to help me understand my purpose in life and to act on that purpose with courage and strength. I know that prosperity will come, in part, by doing work I love. Please help me use my skills and knowledge to be of service in the world.
Thank you, God.

Dear Lord, You are my Shepherd and with You, I lack nothing. My finances appear low right now, but Your word says that with You I will not need anything! As my Shepherd, You will and have ensured that I have all that I need to survive. With You, I am taken care of! It doesn't matter what my bank account says. It doesn't matter what my circumstance seems like. With You, I will not lack. My finances are in Your hands. My miracle is in Your hands, Amen.

Awesome God, I pray against financial debt right now. I pray that I owe nothing to anyone except for my obligation to love others. If I love my neighbor, I will fulfill the requirements of Your law. I pray against financial oppression and declare financial prosperity instead. I declare a miracle in my finances because I know that You do not want me to be anxious or oppressed. Let love be my main priority, not money, Amen.

Eternal Savior, I am currently struggling financially, but I am not anxious because I know that You will meet all my needs according to the riches of Your glory in Christ Jesus. Lord, I pray that You have Your divine way over my money, You know what I need, and I know that only You can provide it. I thank You for my financial breakthrough, I trust that it is coming! Amen.

O Lord, You placed the stars in the sky. You created a myriad of beautiful life. You gave us our breathe and water to drink.

You are a living Lord. You are my Savior, in whom I trust. Please rescue me from this financial crisis, Come redeem this situation. I ask for your almighty hand to come and cover me.

Give me wisdom and strength to stand strong through this storm. I ask for a miracle by your redeeming love. Please restore me, lead me to a safe place, a secure place, a place of financial balance. In you I trust. Amen.

Dear Lord, help me to leave my financial worries in Your Hands. Guide me to peace so that I can hear your wisdom. Keep me mindful of my blessings no matter how much or little I may have. Grant me the patience and tolerance necessary to calm my spirit knowing that you have everything under control. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Oh Dear Loving Father. I am so so grateful that I always have you to turn to. I have always pictured you as the most Loving, opened armed forgiving Father a person could have. Though at times it seems I have forgotten you are there but it is you I always turn to and know in my heart you have always been there and always will be.

My heart is troubled, always arguing with my partner as a result of much money lost. Tension, fear of future and troubled heart is with me all the time. I pray to you to fill my heart with worthiness, of great love and forgiveness. I ask from deep within to bring me financial security. Oh Dear God I pray for these blessings from you so I may go on my way and do the loving work and help others which is what I believe I am meant to be doing.

I Trust you, I praise you, I love you and I Thank you