Prayer For Feeding The Hungry

God our sustainer, we ask you to pour your powerful Spirit into all who are empty this day: Fill the hearts of persons who are troubled. Fill the minds of men and women who are confused.

Fill the stomachs of your children who are hungry. Fill the souls of people who are feeling lost. Fill the lives of all who need you, but do not know you. May your Spirit fill us all to overflowing, dear Lord, and may we be inspired to share our abundance with others, so that there will be no more empty hearts and minds, stomachs and souls. We pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ, who fills lives with your endless grace.

Great Deliverer, we thank You for the precious lives that have been saved. We pray that Your love will guide our steps as we continue on the path to eradicating hunger.

Loving Provider, Isaiah 58:10 tells us that if we give ourselves on behalf of the hungry, then our light will shine in the dark. Thank You for those who are shining lights, and please call forth others to make a difference. Be a fortress against danger for World Vision's staff who work in Your name to feed the hungry. Continue to use relief workers to bring not only much-needed food but to also show Your love so people can be fed spiritually and physically.

Heavenly Father, be with little ones as they seek to learn. Provide their parents with the means to send them to school well fed so the only hunger they know is an insatiable hunger to learn. Equip them with an education that prepares them to do the great things You have planned for their lives.

Great Physician, we don't have words to express how much this breaks our hearts. Have mercy on these children. Protect their little bodies and give them strength. Put Your healing hand on those with developmental issues, and allow them to grow up strong and healthy despite the hunger that afflicts them.

Heavenly Father we thank you because Your Word says that because You love us, You gave your only begotten Son to die for us. So, we thank you that Your love extends to every ethnic group, all genders, race, colour and socio-economic classifications. Right now, we offer this prayer for the homeless, poor and hungry. We pray that you will bless all men, women and children who may be without shelter across the globe. Also we pray for divine covering and blessing upon the homeless, poor and hungry who have no one to take them in.

We pray that Your Holy Spirit will flood them with warmth, security, protection and strength in Jesus Name. And we declare Psalm 46, that you shall be their refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. We pray that they shall not fear even though the mountains may feel as though they are shaking; the Lord of Hosts shall be with them, because the God of Jacob is their refuge. We commit this prayer to You, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Good Shepherd, we pray for cooperation and support for life-saving assistance to people struggling from food insecurity and hunger around the world. Send life-giving rains at just the right time, create good conditions for families to grow food for their survival, and cease conflict so Your children will no longer go to bed hungry each night.

Almighty God, it is difficult to see children suffer, especially from hunger. We pray for You to give the hungry daily bread today (Matthew 6:11) and end their persistent hunger. Provide the food they need to grow and thrive. Pour out Your grace on hungry families, especially parents straining to feed their children despite dwindling resources.