Prayer For Feeling Lost In Life

Abba Father, Before a word is on my lips you know each thought, each tear, each joy you see. For I'm your cherished child. I find it hard to comprehend the extent of your love. And I know I rarely see myself the way that you see me. Lord, you know my heart, you know I long for love. My search is for that special friend. For intimacy, for friendship. For someone to depend on. I know you watch me proudly As I live each day, each moment. Please cause my path to cross with someone You'd like me to be with. Guide my heart to take your hand, To hope and trust in you. Help me to be patient, Until I meet somebody who you know will be A perfect match for me. I am sure, you want the best for this your child.

I feel lost. Find me Lord, pull back the wreckage of my life so that I can breathe again. I feel abandoned. Embrace me Lord, cover my wounds with your healing love so that I might stand restored. I feel trapped. Cut the chains Lord, release me from the weights that drag me down. Come bring your freedom and hope. I am desperate, yet I seek you God, the one who conquered the darkness, The one who rose from death, the one who said, follow me! I will follow the brightness of your love. Even when it is all but a distant glimmer I will fix my eyes open it. I feel lost, yet I am found in that light. I feel abandoned, yet you are besides me. I feel trapped, yet you call me to freedom. I feel desperate, yet you lead me to peace. I draw near to you Lord Jesus.

Almighty God, whose Son had nowhere to lay his head: Grant that those who live alone may not be lonely in their solitude, but that, following in his steps, they may find fulfillment in loving you and their neighbors; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Dear God, I feel alone. Please bring the warmth of relationships into my life. Please cover my thoughts with hope. Please send your love into my heart. I know you are alive in all I experience. May the birdsong speak to my soul, May the trees remind me of life, May the bread I eat nourish my soul with its goodness, As I connect with the world around me. I give thanks for all those who love me, For all those who care. Help me to receive your hope in my heart, To embrace your life flowing in mine. I know I live and breathe as part of your family And dwell safely in you. I know you understand me. I am not alone. Amen.

Dear heavenly Father,

I'm lost and confused. Where am I going?

I can't seem to find any direction. Will you show me the way oh, Lord?

Bring to me Father, clarity and purpose. Let me know the first step is knowing Christ as Savior, Redeemer and King.

The second step is knowing I am your beloved, forgiven child.

Then step by step, show me the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I go to the Father only through the Son.

Cleanse me, oh Lord. Set my path straight. Lay low the obstacles and fill the valleys.

Establish your order in my life.

Come to me, oh Lord. Bring me home again.

In Jesus name,


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that any one who fled to thy protection, implored thy help or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins my Mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful; O Mother of thy Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy clemency hear and answer me. Amen.

Dear God,

Thank you that you see us right where we are, in the midst of our pain and struggle, in the middle of our desert land. Thank you that you have not forgotten us and never will. Forgive us for not trusting you, for doubting your goodness, or not believing you're really there. We choose to set our eyes on you today. We choose joy and peace when the whispered lies come and say that we should have no joy or peace.

Thank you that you care for us and your love over us is so great. We confess our need for you. Fill us fresh with your Spirit, renew our hearts and minds in your truth. We ask for your hope and comfort to continue to heal our hearts where they've been broken. Give us the courage to face another day, knowing that with you before us and behind us, we have nothing to fear.

In Jesus' Name,


Dear God,
I'm spiraling. I'm floating. I'm spinning. I'm losing sight of you and your love in my life. I keep trying to stay focused on the person I'm supposed to be, the person you've created me to be, but right now I just feel so lost.

I need your help.

I don't know when this all beganthe feeling of separation from you, the fear, the exhaustion, the struggle to just get out of bed in the morning, the hopelessness when it comes to my purpose, my place in the universe. I used to be so put together. I used to get up and feel like I was on top of the world. I used to exude confidence, self-assurance, security because I knew I was on the right track.

I used to feel your presence in my every movement; I was so determined, maybe even a little prideful because I felt like I was doing all I was supposed to be doing.

And now I'm just sitting here, staring out the window, wondering how to conjure up those feelings again, wondering if I'm too far gone for you to bring me back to you.

But that's silly isn't it? Silly for me to doubt in the moment I need you the most. Silly to think that for a second you'd abandon me, even though my existence is so small in the big scheme of things. Because you haven't. Because you won't.

You've been here for me, countless times before. Every moment I questioned your presence, you brought something into my life that showed me I was never alone. Every second I found myself slipping, you put your arms around me and pulled me back into your grace.

So why is it that now I'm doubting again?

God, I need a reminder of who I am and where I'm going. I need a reminder of who you are and have always been. I need a reminder of the powerful, loving Savior I serve and the incredible things He's forever doing in the lives of those who follow Him.
I know I'm being foolish, letting my human insecurities and fears cloud my mind. I know I'm being foolish, thinking that I'm so far away from your light I won't be able to find my way back. I know I'm being foolish, thinking that you don't love me or that I'm lost and will never be found.

It's just so hard when the rest of the world keeps spinningno matter what I try to do, I always feel three steps behind.

But you remind me that what the rest of the world is doing is not of my concern. I don't need to measure up, to fit, to be on track' by human standards; I need to be right where you want me to be. I am right where you want me to be. And I need to trust that you're in control, leading me through this season of doubt.

I need to trust that you are my God, and no matter what I'm feeling on the inside, no matter what's happening around me, no matter how hopeless or lost I feel, you're here with me. And you're not going anywhere.

So please calm my heart. Give me deep breaths and clear thoughts. When I start to worry, remind me of your word. When I start to question, show me answers and the will to keep moving, even if I feel at a standstill.

Bring me light when I'm in darkness and a path to follow when I feel like I'm wandering in circles. When doors close in front of me, give me new ones to open. When people walk away, give me courage to seek out relationships that both build me, and honor you.

When I don't know who I am anymore, tell me that I am yours.
And in this crazy world, that's all I want to be.
Please remind me, each time that I forget.
