Prayer For Feeling Overwhelmed At Work

Dear God, holy and mighty one. You are worthy of all praise, all honor. Your steadfast love amazes me each morning.

When I hear voices around me saying I am not good enough, help me hear Your truth in my heart and give me strength.

Be with those who feel inadequate and doubt if anyone cares about them. When they question their value, give them a deeper sense of worth in Christ, and Christ alone.

Thank You that we don't have to fight for our worth because You have already called us Your children.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Father, You have the power to control the sun and the moon. You are the everlasting light.

Help me to see a light at the end of my tunnel.

Sometimes I can barely remember what light looks like or what it feels like to have simple joy. Help me to focus on You even in the darkness.

Support my friends as they suffer losses like miscarriages, death, and illness. When these trials plague those I love, I feel so helpless. Would You show off Your light in their lives?

Thank You, God, that You are our rock and healer and that You will bring our mourning to an end.

In the name of the everlasting Light, amen.

Father in heaven, You are the God of King David and my God too. You reign forever and over everything.

Bring me peace when I am overwhelmed. I don't know how I can accomplish all of the things I need to get done. Light my path and show me the activities and obligations I can say no to. Help me release the burdens that preoccupy my mind and keep You at bay.

Come near.

God, please hear the cries of those who feel overwhelmed as they serve You. Many of them don't feel Your presence right now in their lives. Remind them of Your faithfulness.

Thank You for Your nearness and consistency. Thank You for hearing my cries no matter where I am.

In Jesus' name, amen.

Heavenly Father,

Right now I am feeling so overwhelmed. I'm overcomed with so many emotions that I don't even know how to define them.

But you know, Father.

You know the intentions of my heart. You know every thought before I even think it. Your Word says that even when I'm not quite sure how to pray, your Holy Spirit is interceding for me with groanings too deep for words.

So I pray, now, that you would take all the anguish within me and replace it with peace.

I pray desperately that you would change the circumstances around me and relieve me of this difficult trial I am going through.

But if that is not your will, God, then change me instead. Help me to see that you are greater than the storms of this life.

I am more than a conqueror through Christ, and He is surely able to overcome anything. I am so grateful that my ability to overcome this life is not dependent on me; you have already won the battle, and I just need to rest in the victory.

The suffering I am facing is heavy. But I am sure that you will bring me through it.

In the worst of my pain, when I am overwhelmed by too many feelings to put into words, help me to remember your many promises.

If you are for me, then nothing can be against me. I affirm this and ask for your guidance in Jesus' name. Amen.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for revealing my weaknesses in trying to carry the burden and stress of my situation. Forgive me for trying to handle it all on my own and for allowing it to consume and rob me of my peace. I know that anxiety, fear, worry, and anger are not Godly reactions.

Father, my emotions teeter on the edge when things don't go smoothly, and I find my thoughts, and my heart are being pulled in multiple directions. Instead of approaching each event individually, I simply react to them as a whole with no resolve. I want to run away from the problem instead of facing it head-on.

Give me the wisdom and clarity to see the solution to things. Equip me with patience, wisdom, love, compassion, and guidance to be able to overcome and move forward. When I am tempted to run away and hide, I pray that your heavy conviction would be upon me, so I heed your voice and instruction.

Help me to seek refuge and strength in your Word and to gain the right perspective over my situation. I pray that your scripture would refresh my spirit.

Father, forgive me when I try to protect myself from life's trials, and I forget that your truth is the ultimate solution to overcome. I give you my anxiety about things I cannot change. Forgive me for not trusting in you enough to give it all to you, Lord. You are my protector and the one who watches over me.

Help me to invest in myself by reading your Word and spending time in prayer. By doing this, I will be able to handle the chaos of unplanned events better. Restore my mind, my heart, my body, and my soul Father.

Thank you for your mercy and saving grace precious Lord.

I pray these things, in Jesus' holy name, Amen.

Lord, when my heart is overwhelmed, overwhelm me with Your peace. Lead me to You, my rock. Guide me to Your Word which gives me strength and refuge. Help me not to run to lesser things. Draw me to run to You first. Help me get into the habit of taking my overwhelmed and placing it under your will. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

God, provide me with your incredible peace when I feel overwhelmed. Constantly remind me through your Word and through those around me that you are putting together your perfect plan for my life. Please help me in the days to come. Let me always turn to you for wisdom, guidance and confidence. Let everything I do bring you glory. Amen.

Dear God,

Thank you for being the God who never sleeps.

Thank you for always being here for me, even when I'm not always here for you.

Thank you that you are Love and that you want the very best for me.
Thank you for your promises and that you never change.

I am feeling totally overwhelmed.

Please help me.

Help me to rest in the fact that you know what is best for me.

Forgive me for turning away from you and trying to control the outcome in situations in my life.

The Bible says that you are not the God of confusion but of peace.

Help me to rest in your love and to feel the peace which surpasses all understanding.

Help me to feel your love and comfort.

Help me to be still and know that you are God and that you will take care of me, just like any loving parent takes care of their children.

Your Word says to cast all of our anxiety on you because you care for us.

I turn all of my burdens and concerns over to you.

Please guide my every step and help me to be attentive to your loving direction.
