Prayer For Fertility And Pregnancy

Loving Father, I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I thank and praise You that You knew me before I was conceived by my mother. You formed and knitted me together and breathed life into me.

Father, You told Your children to be fruitful and multiply and I long to carry my own child in my womb and hold my own precious babe in my arms, but I have not yet conceived and this grieves me deeply.

Loving Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life, and I pray that in Your goodness and grace You will enable me to conceive and bring into the world a little one that I may give back to You, just as Hannah gave her Samuel back into Your care.

Look down in love and pity me my barren womb and breath into me the breath of life, which was breathed into man at creation. Fill me to the fullness of Your joy so that I may bring forth a little baby.

I ask this in Jesus' name,


Fertility is within my reach.
I close my eyes and see conception.
I will nurture God's greatest creation-
new life.
I am ready, willing, and able to bear a child.
The Lord is with me.
I will walk with confidence
along the path where mothers
before me have walked.
The time for getting pregnant
is here.
My prayers will be answered.
It is God's will.

Hear my prayer
for getting pregnant.
I am ready to be a mother.
we give our love to each other.
Won't you bless us with fertility?

We make a sacred promise
to be worthy of Your trust.
We will be honorable parents
teaching love, respect,
and Your word to our baby.

With praise
for Your glory and goodness,
we pray that it is Your will
to fulfill our true purpose
change us from a couple
to a family.


Heavenly Father,
I am yours.
Will you bless
Your child with child?
I long to honor You
by being a mother
who raises her children
in love, respect,
and service to You.
In Your name I pray:
Fill my womb,
grace me with pregnancy
and deliver to me a healthy baby.


Dear Lord, I offer this prayer for pregnancy. You know how we struggle as each month passes without getting pregnant. Hopes and dreams deterred, staining our future. Be good to us Lord. Extend your life giving powers and bless us with child.


Dear God
of Goodness and Grace,
Hold us close.
We're sad and hopeful,
anxious and excited,
longingly waiting
for the moment of conception.

May it be your will that
the life of our child begins soon.
Choose the best from us both
form a new soul.
Place it ever so gently
in my womb
where I will nurture and protect
the precious gift of life
I am about to receive.


Dear Lord, I know that children are a heritage and a gift from You. Lord, I am longing to have a baby and I pray that I may be blessed with many children.
I am Your child, and I pray that in Your love You will bless me with my own children, so that I may raise them up in the fear and nurture of the Lord.
Fill my womb I pray, with a healthy baby, and I will give You all the praise and all the glory.
Thank You Lord, I know that You are a God that answers prayers. I pray this in Jesus' name,

Dear God, I thank You for the precious little children that you have been so gracious to bless me with. I ask now Lord, that I may have another little baby to be their little brother or sister.
I have not always had good health, but I place my life in Your hands and pray that I may conceive once again and enlarge the gates of our family.
May we all grow in grace and may You give me the wisdom I need to teaching and training my children. May they all come to a knowledge of Jesus as their Saviour, in whose name I pray,