Prayer For Fellowship

Dear Heavenly Father, Your Word tells us that eternal life is knowing You and the Lord Jesus Christ Whom You have sent to be our Lord and Savior, and Father, I want to know more of You.

Help me to know You more and to love You better, and I pray that I may learn to spend more time simply sitting at Your feet, listening to Your Word and communing with You in Your presence.

I pray that You will capture my heart, teach me Your ways and draw me every closer to Yourself, so that I may learn more of You and the eternal truths of Your precious Word.

Give me a child-like anticipation and joy of coming into Your presence each day, an ever deepening awareness of the future inheritance that you have prepared for me in heaven that will never fade or spoil. Give me a closer walk with You I pray, and may my daily fellowship with You become my dearest priority in life. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Father, we thank You for the testimonies of the great company of brothers and sisters throughout the world, who are redeemed by the blood of Christ and members together of His Body.

Unite us together as one in prayer and praise, and may we be sensitive to the needs of one another and daily lift one another up to Your throne of grace, so that we may find mercy and grace to help in these difficult times of need and necessity.

Protect and provide for each member of the Church and lend Your support, encouragement and strength to all that are facing the increasing trials, tribulations and persecutions that are so prevalent in our world today.

Help us all to walk in the light as You are in the light. Draw us together in love, unite us together in fellowship, and sustain and strengthen each one of us in our Christian walk. In Jesus' name we pray,


"Loving Lord, thank You for all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus our Lord, and thank You that You have made us one in Him and are building us into a spiritual temple of living stones, each with our own peculiar function, in the heavenly kingdom of God. Instill in each of our hearts an increasing thirst after holiness and righteousness, and give us an ever-deepening love for each other and for You.

Keep us I pray, from petty arguments and careless words and may we minister to one another in true Christian fellowship and godly love, in a body-ministry that exults You, where the gifts and talents of each member are used and valued in the edification of the others, to the praise of Your holy name.

Be glorified I pray, in each and every member of Your body, and use us all to be a witness of the love of Jesus to those who are lost. And Father, I pray that You would unite us in godly love and Christian fellowship, as we watch for the any day return of the Lord Jesus, in whose name I pray,


In the glorious name of jesus, i come before your throne of mercy and grace asking you to please equip thy children with divine abundance of love and power to forgive one another when we fall short and sin help us to try to restore one back to fellowship with you through the blood of christ, and bless us with the fullness of the gospel, that we your children may have signs, wonders, and miracles follow post preaching and teaching your holy word.

Lord, I acknowledge my need for other people. I ask You to lead me to relationships whereby I might grow in You and Your will might be fulfilled in me. Show me what steps to take to see that come about.

God desires to make you His home of fellowship. Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. (John 14:23 NKJV) You are a house of prayer. And He said to them, It is written, MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER, (Matthew 21:13 NKJV). Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. (1 John 1:3 NKJV)

Thank You, Lord, that You have called us into fellowship with Yourself and with Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Help me to make my time alone with You the most important priorities of my life.
Prevent me from becoming so distracted by the necessities of life that I forget to take quality time alone with You. Keep me low at the cross and humble before Your throne, and may my life be one that so reflects Your love and grace to others, that they may see the loveliness of the Lord Jesus flowing through every area of my life.
Keep me submissive before You in humble obedience to Your Word, and teach me to walk in the light of Your love. In Jesus' name I pray,

Heavenly Father, how I thank You that the light of the glorious gospel of grace has shone into my heart. Thank You for the illuminating power of Your Word that has lit up my pathway.
Help me day by day to walk in the light of Your love, knowing that You are the light of the world and in You there is no darkness at all.
Keep me walking in the light as You are in the light, so that I may be a reflection to all of Your goodness and grace, to all with whom I come in contact. Help me to live in the light of Your love so that I may enjoy sweet fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ, knowing that the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord cleanses us from all sin.
Wash away all my sin Lord, and put Your power within me I pray. Take me as I am and make me the person You would have me to be, and thank You that You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. In Jesus' name,