Prayer For Feeling Alone

Dear Gracious and Loving God,

Help me to feel your presence.

My heart aches and I feel so alone.

I miss a human touch, someone to take my hand or give me a hug.

I long for someone to tell me everything will be alright.

Please send your Comforter to me and take this loneliness away.

Help me instead of feeling empty, to feel full of the love you have for me.

Help me to know in my heart and remember that according to your Word; I am never alone because you are with me.

Your love and peace is with me, right now, in this moment. I feel it and I am not alone.


Lord, I thank you for always being close to me even when I don't feel like you are. I am experiencing loneliness when my children go to school and the house seems extra quiet.

I feel like I have no one to talk to. Today I pour out my heart because you always listen.

I have always relied on my children for company and I feel lonely when they leave the house.

They have become my source of comfort and I repent for leaning on them and not you.

Let me always remember you have sent me your Holy Spirit to be my helper and comforter and I am not alone (John 14:16-18).

Teach me to depend on you as my constant companion who is always there even if no one else is around.

I will come to you with my stories, struggles, pain, joy and enjoy dwelling in your presence.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Lord, I praise you for you will never leave nor forsake me. I am feeling lonely and isolated from you and others.

Please help me feel your presence again in my life. Turn to me and be gracious to me like your word says in Psalm 25:16.

Let your word dwell in my heart and always remind me that I am your child and part of your family and I am never alone.

Help me get to the root cause of my loneliness and trust that you will help me overcome it. You are my refuge and my fortress and I can always count on you to be by my side.

I will pour out my heart to you in my lonely moments knowing you hear me and answer my prayers.

You are my loving Father and I will always talk to you when I have no one near me.

O Lord, you have probed me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I stand. You understand my thoughts from afar. My journeys and rest you scrutinize, with all my ways you are familiar. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know the whole of it. Behind me and before, you hem me in and rest your hand upon me.

Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ graciously hear us.
God, the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us. Thou Who art Infinite Love, Have mercy on us.
Thou Who didst first love me, Have mercy on us.
Thou Who commandest me to love Thee, Have mercy on us.

With all my heart, I Love Thee, O My God
With all my soul, I Love Thee, O My God
With all my mind, I Love Thee, O My God
With all my strength, I Love Thee, O My God
Above all possessions and honors, I Love Thee, O My God
Above all pleasures and enjoyments, I Love Thee, O My God
More than myself, and everything belonging to me, I Love Thee, O My God
More than all my relatives and friends, I Love Thee, O My God
More than all men and angels, I Love Thee, O My God
Above all created things in heaven or on earth, I Love Thee, O My God
Only for Thyself, I Love Thee, O My God
Because Thou art the sovereign Good, I Love Thee, O My God
Because Thou art infinitely worthy of being loved, I Love Thee, O My God
Because Thou art infinitely perfect, I Love Thee, O My God
Even hadst Thou not promised me heaven, I Love Thee, O My God
Even hadst Thou not menaced me with hell, I Love Thee, O My God
Even should Thou try me by want and misfortune, I Love Thee, O My God
In wealth and in poverty, I Love Thee, O My God
In prosperity and in adversity, I Love Thee, O My God
In health and in sickness, I Love Thee, O My God
In life and in death, I Love Thee, O My God
In time and in eternity, I Love Thee, O My God
In union with that love wherewith all the saints and all the angels love Thee in heaven, I Love Thee, O My God
In union with that love wherewith the Blessed Virgin Mary loveth Thee, I Love Thee, O My God
In union with that infinite love wherewith Thou loves Thyself eternally, I Love Thee, O My God

My God, Who dost possess in incomprehensible abundance all that is perfect and worthy of love, annihilate in me all guilty, sensual, and undue love for creatures. Kindle in my heart the pure fire of Thy love, so that I may love nothing but Thee or in Thee, until being so entirely consumed by holy love of Thee, I may go to love Thee eternally with the elect in heaven, the country of pure love.

Dear God, I am lonely right now. You said that You would never leave me and that You would always be right here with me, and I believe you. But I need to feel You. Please, come right now and be near me. I invite You to invade my life and take away my loneliness. I know that other people will let me down, but I know that You won't. I am so grateful for Your love for me. In the name of Jesus, Your son, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I admit today that I need You in my life. I need Your comfort when I feel lonely. I need You, Lord, when I have no one to talk to. I need You Lord, when it seems like all my friends seem so happy, and I am full of sadness. I need You, Lord, when it seems like I am the only one hurting. Be with me Lord, through this trial I am going through. Help me to understand that I am going through this for a reason and that I can conquer loneliness with You. Amen.

Dear God,

Thank you that you see us right where we are, in the midst of our pain and struggle, in the middle of our desert land. Thank you that you have not forgotten us and never will. Forgive us for not trusting you, for doubting your goodness, or not believing you're really there. We choose to set our eyes on you today. We choose joy and peace when the whispered lies come and say that we should have no joy or peace.

Thank you that you care for us and your love over us is so great. We confess our need for you. Fill us fresh with your Spirit, renew our hearts and minds in your truth. We ask for your hope and comfort to continue to heal our hearts where they've been broken. Give us the courage to face another day, knowing that with you before us and behind us, we have nothing to fear.

In Jesus' Name,
