Prayer For Families In Crisis

O Lord, my Solid Rock, I come to You on behalf of my family in crisis. We have to quickly make a number of decisions. Please give us Your wisdom and guide us in each step. May we make well-informed decisions for our family that will make the best of this misfortune. We pray that You will enable us to recover all that has been lost. Give us discernment and foresight on how to turn this situation around. Amen.

Eternal Father, strong to save, we lift up families around our globe who are in crisis. So many are suffering from epidemics and other diseases, from abject poverty, from homelessness, hunger, war, and from violence because of their faith. We ask for Your people to minister to these families in their desperate need, so they will see the love of Christ in action. Give them relief and comfort. Amen.

Almighty God,

You see this family crisis.

You understand everything about it.

I am coming to you seeking your help.

Give us new ways of looking at this situation.

Give us solutions we haven't thought of.

Give us insights into the changes that need to take place.

Show us how to get from where we are to where we need to be.

Help us to see this crisis from the view of a family working together - not from the view of opposing people fighting each other.

Lord, you are an amazing God, and we need your amazing help.

I will draw closer to you, Lord, during this crisis.

I will not let this situation keep me from staying close to you.

Give me wisdom and discernment.

Help me to make right choices.


God, our refuge in times of trouble
we pray for our brothers and sisters in Beirut today.

Lord, be with the emergency services as they battle to help the thousands injured.

Lord, hold those who have lost loved ones in the palm of your hand.

Lord, we pray your provision for poor and marginalised communities who face an even more uncertain future.

Lord, we pray for wisdom for leaders as they make difficult decisions.

Lord, open our hearts - may they be full of compassion for the suffering we see.

Stir us to action.

In the tragedy of loss,
we pray your comfort.

In the chaos and injury,
we pray your calm and divine healing.

In the devastation and the heartbreak,
we pray your peace.

We pray that in the despair that lies amid the rubble of the explosion
there will be glimmers of hope and life.


I pray for those who are on the front lines working with medical issues, our doctors and nurses and all those caring for those who are sick. I pray for our police and first responders. I pray for grocery store workers and others who come in contact with the public whose lives are stressed because of all this. Reassure them, comfort them and give them the strength to endure each day.

I also pray for those who are seeking to find a vaccine or more effective testing or how to do more effective prevention. I pray for those who are seeking to provide necessary equipment to help those needs that are lacking.

I pray for our nation's leaders, our state leaders and our local leaders who are working tirelessly through this uncharted territory, making decisions every day that directly impacts our lives. I pray for wisdom and guidance for them as they make these decisions.

I pray for those who are sick and those who have loved ones who are sick. I pray for your healing touch on their lives. Pour out your love and grace and power on their lives. And, Lord, I lift up those who are grieving from the death of their loved ones. Comfort them and give them strength them through this time.

I pray for those who are struggling financially, who have lost jobs, whose businesses have closed. I pray for our economy, Lord, that you will help us, give wisdom and opportunities as we seek your provision.

I pray for all of us who are experiencing various emotions and reactions because we are so isolated. Help us to find innovative ways to stay connected to each other. Help us not be overcome with fear, anxiety, loneliness or depression. Help us with your boundless love and grant us an extra measure of patience and great grace as we deal with those who maybe starting to get on our nerves. Bless family and marriage relationships. And, Lord, help us stay even closer to you as we rely on your help and your love and your presence. Thank you for loving us, for being there for us, whether we realize it or not. Thank you for what you are teaching us through this that we might trust You more, and seek you more. To You, Lord, be all the glory and honor, and to you we give our love, our devotion and our worship, Jesus.

In your name we pray, amen.

Hail mary full of
grace the lord is
with thee. Blessed are
thou among women, and
blessed is the fruit of
thy womb jesus. Holy mary
mother of god. Pray for us
sinners now and at the
hour of our death.

Dear father almighty, jesus, mary please help this family in their time of need.

Dear Lord,

I pray for families who are encountering crisis. You know the very details of all they are experiencing, including the emotions and the thoughts arousing because of the crisis. You understand the heart of each husband and wife and why they respond to crisis situations the way they do. I pray these families would surrender themselves to you. May your Holy Spirit pour out your peace upon them and guide them through it. I pray husband's comfort their wives and that wives would support their husbands. Please help them in Jesus' name AMEN!

Dear God you are the giver of life and it is the most precious gift you have given to us by the death, burial and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ. But through the twisted and perverted minds of people in this world families are in crisis because of those who give little regard for that life and who take matters into their own hands.

Lord we pray you give strength to those families who are in pain, grief and sadness at the loss of their loved ones. Comfort them. Let your river of grace flood through their soul. Let your word sooth their spirit and be that balm in Gilead as they try to make sense of their loved ones being taken away in such a heartless manner.

We pray for healing in each mind. As painful as these situations are, open each heart to forgive those who have done wrong and work in and through them to demonstrate your love, mercy, and compassion.

Let the power of Christ rest and abide in each heart. May there not be a rendering of evil for evil but where evil has been done, provide an opportunity that good can come from the evil things and that you be glorified, in Jesus name amen.