Prayer For Dealing With Difficult People

Heavenly Father, we gather together and come into agreement in the wonderful and powerful Name of Jesus Christ.

Where two or more are gathered there You'll be in the midst of us and anything we agree upon as touching You will surely do.

Father in Jesus Name, there is no distance in the spirit and we thank You for the listener who desires a prayer for dealing with difficult people.

They have realized that they've been seeking the wrong thing.

They may have even prayed about it and seen no answer to their request.

Lord, they have desired to have problem people and situations be removed from their life.

When the going gets tough they thought the answer was to run from the problem.

However, Your desire is for them to endure, with Your direct and powerful help.

Yes, with the help and supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, You've wanted to invigorate them with strength from within to live and work with difficult people and situations.

The listener repents. They ask You to forgive them for running away and choosing the easy way out.

Together in agreement, we ask You to help them confidently stand up to their challenges in Jesus Name.


Right now, in this very moment, the listener opens their heart wide and receives Your supernatural power.

We decree and declare that Your grace is sufficient for them! It is overflowing in their life!

We decree and declare that when they feel frustrated because of people or situations they will turn to Your grace.

They have the supernatural power to love the unlovely in Jesus Name!

They have the love, patience, and kindness to face any person or situation!

Your anointing is all over the listener wherever they go. Glory to God!

We thank You that in Your Presence, any weakness in dealing with difficult people or situations disappears when the listener yields to the power of the Holy Spirit within them!

We believe and receive everything we've prayed and give You glory in advance for this prayer is answered!

In the wonderful and precious Name of Jesus we pray, amen.

O God, Creator of difficult people, it has no doubt come to Your attention (through the prayers of others) in spite of all You know about my good heart, my good intentions, my good work, and my just overall basic goodness that I am myself at the moment considered a difficult person in the life of another one of Your creatures (maybe more; I didn't get the whole story). Putting aside for the moment the irony of that one, causing pain and suffering is, of course as You know, the last thing I would ever want to do. Help me therefore, O God, to no longer be the difficult person in someone else's life. Whether through my need to express myself, or my difficulty expressing myself; whether because of my tendency to criticize, or my need to say that everything is OK when it's not; whether because I am perceived as expecting too much, or expecting too little; whether through my tendency toward compulsiveness, or toward inattentiveness; due to the way I express my anger, or to the way I express my love; whether because I never seem to be there, or because I always seem to be there; whether because of my need for orderliness, or my need for spontaneity; because I feel the need to be alone more these days, or because I feel a greater need to be with people; because I always want to talk, or because I never want to talk; because of the way I express my fear, or because of the way I express my desire. O God, Creator of difficult people, help me knowing so very well how it feels help me to not be the difficult person in someone else's life

"Dear Lord,

Please help me when those around me try to bring me down. Allow me to recognize the hurts and issues in their lives and how I can be of help to them. Help me to keep my natural human tendencies in check and not to retaliate back. Quietly remind me where my true worth and value really lie. Give me comfort in knowing that You are leading me on a better path and give me the strength to continue pursuing it. Please clear my heart of any issues that will hinder me from praying for those around me. In Your Name I pray. Amen."

O God, Creator of difficult people, bless me with the strength, fortitude, wisdom and equanimity of spirit to deal with the difficult people You have placed in my life. Grant me the ability to see the next disaster well enough in advance to dodge, divert, or otherwise disable it before it happens, or at least to minimize its ill effects. May my buttons be hidden from view so that Your difficult people may not so easily press them next time as they have done so very well of late. May You grant sufficient insight to Your difficult people in order that they may come to understand speedily and in our day how truly difficult they are, knowing they would surely turn from their difficult ways were they possessed of even the slightest bit of self-awareness. Open the hearts of these Your difficult people to feel compassion for the pain and stress which, sometimes by their actions and oftentimes by their mere demeanor, they have caused in my life, are causing in my life now, and without Your divine intervention seem inevitably ready to cause again. Open their eyes, O God, so that they may see the truth of the situation as You and I, O God, see it: that I am not fundamentally an unhappy person, and that my unhappiness therefore rests with them and with their oh so difficult ways.

O God, Creator of difficult people, bless me with the strength, fortitude, wisdom and equanimity of spirit to deal with the difficult people You have placed in my life. Grant me the ability to see the next disaster well enough in advance to dodge, divert, or otherwise disable it before it happens, or at least to minimize its ill effects. May my buttons be hidden from view so that Your difficult people may not so easily press them next time as they have done so very well of late. May You grant sufficient insight to Your difficult people in order that they may come to understand speedily and in our day how truly difficult they are, knowing they would surely turn from their difficult ways were they possessed of even the slightest bit of self-awareness. Open the hearts of these Your difficult people to feel compassion for the pain and stress which, sometimes by their actions and oftentimes by their mere demeanor, they have caused in my life, are causing in my life now, and without Your divine intervention seem inevitably ready to cause again. Open their eyes, O God, so that they may see the truth of the situation as You and I, O God, see it: that I am not fundamentally an unhappy person, and that my unhappiness therefore rests with them and with their oh so difficult ways.

O God, Creator of difficult people, it has no doubt come to Your attention (through the prayers of others) in spite of all You know about my good heart, my good intentions, my good work, and my just overall basic goodness that I am myself at the moment considered a difficult person in the life of another one of Your creatures (maybe more; I didn't get the whole story). Putting aside for the moment the irony of that one, causing pain and suffering is, of course as You know, the last thing I would ever want to do. Help me therefore, O God, to no longer be the difficult person in someone else's life. Whether through my need to express myself, or my difficulty expressing myself; whether because of my tendency to criticize, or my need to say that everything is OK when it's not; whether because I am perceived as expecting too much, or expecting too little; whether through my tendency toward compulsiveness, or toward inattentiveness; due to the way I express my anger, or to the way I express my love; whether because I never seem to be there, or because I always seem to be there; whether because of my need for orderliness, or my need for spontaneity; because I feel the need to be alone more these days, or because I feel a greater need to be with people; because I always want to talk, or because I never want to talk; because of the way I express my fear, or because of the way I express my desire. O God, Creator of difficult people, help me knowing so very well how it feels help me to not be the difficult person in someone else's life.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray that you show me the way,
for I do not know how to deal
with this difficult person in my life.

I know that you've placed them
here for a reason and I am grateful

for that. Grant me your Godly Wisdom
so that I may uplift your name!

Give me strength and courage so
that can forgive them just as
you have forgiven me.

Please guide my thoughts and
actions as I deal with them.


Lord, they have desired to have problem people and situations be removed from their life.

When the going gets tough they thought the answer was to run from the problem.

However, Your desire is for them to endure, with Your direct and powerful help.

Yes, with the help and supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, You've wanted to invigorate them with strength from within to live and work with difficult people and situations.

The listener repents. They ask You to forgive them for running away and choosing the easy way out.

Together in agreement, we ask You to help them confidently stand up to their challenges in Jesus Name.


Right now, in this very moment, the listener opens their heart wide and receives Your supernatural power.

We decree and declare that Your grace is sufficient for them! It is overflowing in their life!

We decree and declare that when they feel frustrated because of people or situations they will turn to Your grace.

They have the supernatural power to love the unlovely in Jesus Name!

They have the love, patience, and kindness to face any person or situation!

Your anointing is all over the listener wherever they go. Glory to God!

We thank You that in Your Presence, any weakness in dealing with difficult people or situations disappears when the listener yields to the power of the Holy Spirit within them!

We believe and receive everything we've prayed and give You glory in advance for this prayer is answered!

In the wonderful and precious Name of Jesus we pray, amen.

Prince of Peace, and Lord of Lords, there are days where we encounter people who seem to be truly difficult to deal with.

Whether it is at home, at work, at school, help us to decipher and understand them. Grant us Your Godly wisdom that we may uplift Your name, even before them.

Let us not judge and condemn but display the love of Christ to them. May we have the strength and courage to forgive those who may have wronged us, even as we have been forgiven.