Prayer For Comfort And Strength

God of love, may I come quickly to thee, when I am in need of protection and sympathy.
Guard me against sorrow that is drawn from the imagination.
May I not allow grief to drag me into misery, but with strength and courage may I find happiness in thy daily will.


For all those who woke this morning
to the loneliness of bereavement
the empty bed or chair,
an unaccustomed quietness,
a life now incomplete
may they know your presence
in the stillness of the day,
and through the love of friends
who offer their condolence.
And in the darker moments
may they reach out to hold your hand
and feel the warmth of the One
who has already passed from death to life
to welcome others into God's Kingdom.

Loving Lord Jesus, so often we fill our lives with our own plans, our own desires, our own hopes and dreams, and leave little room for your Holy Spirit to work in and through us. Remind us, Lord, that your plans for us are tailor-made, and that it's only when we come to you 'empty-handed' that you can fulfil in us all the possibilities and promises you have in store for us. For only then will we grow into the people you created us to be, and discover life in all its fullness.


Grace-filled God, you love us so much that you sent your Son, Jesus, to die for our sin, that with him we may be raised to new life. Thank you that we can experience Resurrection Life right now through your Holy Spirit living in us, and for the joy that comes from being part of your great family, on earth and in heaven Amen!

Dear God, We thank you for the Power of your Word and your Presence over our lives. We thank you that no weapon formed against us will prosper, for greater are You who is in us, than he who is in the world. We pray that you will cast down every threat and accusation, every abusive word and cruel attack hurled our way. We praise you that nothing is impossible with you, that You are loving and gracious, full of mercy and might. We trust in you alone, to rise up strong on our behalf. Thank you that you are our Defender and Strong Tower, our Refuge and our Strength. Thank you that you fight for us today, and in our weakness, you make us strong. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

Lord, I pray not for tranquility, nor that my tribulations may cease; I pray for your spirit and your love, that you grant me strength and grace to overcome adversity; through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Jesus, As I've heard my friend's latest news, it simply feels as if the water is too high and the flames are too intense. Please help ________ not to give into fear that can come from focusing on the circumstances swirling around him but to remember the promise that you are with him. While I know that you are always with him, please give him a tangible reminder of your presence today and that you will faithfully comfort the hurting. Perhaps a verse posted in an unexpected place or a prayer offered by a co-worker or a kind gesture from a stranger. I entrust him to you knowing that you will be with him on this journey and your presence is greater than anything he will face. Because of your love for him, please give him your comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding and guide him forward into your love. Amen.

Lord, at the moment nothing seems to be able to help the loss I feel. My heart is broken and my spirit mourns. All I know is that Your grace is sufficient. This day, this hour Moment by moment I choose to lean on You, For when I am at my weakest Your strength is strongest. I pour out my grief to You And praise You that on one glorious day When all suffering is extinguished and love has conquered We shall walk together again.