Prayer For Awareness

Holy One,

We thank you for this warm place where we gather. We thank you for each other, for our faith community. We thank you for the opportunity to celebrate our joys, and tend to our wounds.

This week help us remain aware. Help us remain sensitive. Aware and sensitive to the beauty of a fresh powdery snowfall. Aware and sensitive to both friends and strangers who are experiencing difficulties and pain both seen, and unseen, spoken and unspoken. Aware and sensitive to the fact that a friend from Oslo is no more deserving of our welcome, than a friend from Nairobi or Port-au-Prince.

Protect us from becoming numb to poverty, numb to injustice, numb to war, numb to leaders that call names. Bless us with hearts that are always willing to raise our voices, and take action, and to work toward making this world whole and right in your eyes, even in just some small way. In Your name we pray,


Thank you, Jesus, for what you have shown to me today.
Help me to accept with gratitude all you have revealed. Thank you for all the ways your
love is already reveled in and though me. Give me strength and courage to change
what needs to change. Thank you that you have my true heart's desire in mindwork
in me to always believe that so that I can truly love you and love others. In Jesus'
name, Amen

Father, do not let me ever forget the price You paid for my sin. Thank You for the forgiveness and freedom You purchased with Your death on the cross. Bring swift awareness and conviction when I sin. Give me the strength and power to deal with and turn from the sin in my life.

For Your glory and in Your Name I pray,


Light within all light
Soul behind all souls
at the breaking of dawn
at the coming of day
we wait and watch.
Your Light within the morning light
Your Soul within the human soul
Your Presence beckoning to us from the heart of life.
In the dawning of this day
let us know fresh shinings in our soul.
In the growing colours of new beginning all around us
let us know the first lights of our heart.
Great Star of the morning
Inner flame of the universe
let us be a colour in this new dawning.

All things come from you, O God,
and to you we return.
All things emerge in your great river of life
and into you we vanish again.
At the beginning of this day
we wake
not as separate streams
but as countless currents in a single flow
the flow of this day's dawning
the flow of this day's delight
the flow of this day's sorrows
your flow, O God,
in the twisting and turnings of this new day.

Be still and aware.

G od , C r e a t or of a l l, h e lp u s t o
r e c ogn i ze that each of us has
a b i l i t i e s a n d e a c h o f u s h a s
l i m i t a t i o n s . And yet we all have
a part to play in bringing about
Your Kingdom.
You love each of us p r o f o u n d l y .
I n t h e s p i r i t o f g r a t i t u d e and
solidarity, w e a s k y o u t o
i ncrease our awareness
of both the gifts and the needs
of those around us.
Open our hearts, minds and doors
to the gifts of every person. Help
us to become truly welcoming
communities where everyone can
find a place at Your Table. We ask
this in Your name, A m e n

Jesus Christ,

I am sorry for the things I have done wrong in my life. Thank you for dying on the Cross for me, set me free from all my sins and forgive me today. Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Be with me forever.

Thank you Jesus!

All things come from you, O God,
and to you we return.
All things emerge in your great river of life
and into you we vanish again.
At the beginning of this day
we wake
not as separate streams
but as countless currents in a single flow
the flow of this day's dawning
the flow of this day's delight
the flow of this day's sorrows
your flow, O God,
in the twisting and turnings of this new day.