Prayer For A Wedding Ceremony

O God of love, Thou has established marriage for the welfare and happiness of mankind. Thine was the plan, and only with Thee can we work it out with joy.

Bless this husband. Bless him as provider of nourishment and raiment, and sustain him in all the exactions and pressures of his battle for bread. May his strength be her protection, his character be her boast and her pride, and may he so live that she will find in him the haven for which the heart of woman truly longs.

Bless this loving wife. Giver her tenderness that will make her great, a deep sense of understanding, and a great faith in Thee. Give her that inner beauty of soul that never fades, that eternal youth that is found in holding fast the things that never age.

Teach them that marriage is not living merely for each other; it is two uniting and joining hands to serve Thee. Give them great spiritual purpose in life. May they seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and the other things shall be added unto them.

May they never take each other's love for granted, but always experience that breathless wonder that exclaims, "Out of all this world, you have chosen me."

When life is done and the sun is setting, may they be found then as now, hand in hand, still thanking God for each other. May they serve Thee happily, faithfully, together, until at last one shall lay the other into the arms of God.

This we ask through Jesus Christ, great Lover of our souls.

Dear Lord,

As this couple begins their lives together on their wedding day, I pray that their hearts will unite as one with You in their desire to make You the center. May this day be the start of something beautiful, a celebration unlike any other.

As they offer their vows to one another in the sight of God and others, give them a clear understanding of their commitment to each other. May their loyalty in marriage mirror Your own love and faithfulness to all Your children. Let them know that two are better than one as they mutually invest in and depend on each otherbut that the third strand of their marriage ties should always be You.

May their lovelike the wedding rings they will wearbe a circle that never ends. Grow that love relationship into one that is patient and kind, not boastful or proud, one that is unselfish and trusting, and a love that protects and perseveres through every season of life.

I pray you will give this couple unforgettable moments, unending dedication, and unselfish motives as they pledge their devotion to each another. In every way possible, make the house they build together a godly homea place where hurts are healed with grace, a place where hearts are sealed with forgiveness, and a place where emotions feel safe when shared with honesty and gentleness. Keep their communication openwith You, and with each other as they make prayer a constant priority.

Lord, today and every day, let laughter echo in the halls of their hearts and home; let joy fill every room; and let the radiance of Your face shine on them, bless them, and give them a gracious peace that passes all understanding. Light a fire of passion that prompts them to love you with all their heart, soul, and strength, and one that engulfs their own union as man and wife in purity and oneness. Help them to bear each other's burdens, even as they cast their cares on Your shoulders. May they always choose to see the best in each other, even in the worst of times.

May they visualize their marriage as more than just a bonding of two lives, but as two on mission for You, Lorda lighthouse of refuge, a welcome place for encouragement, and a testimony to Your power and grace. Help them to cherish their wedding day as a sacred memorial, and their union as a treasure to protect at all costs. Make it a reminder of hope that keeps on going and faith that keeps on growing. Help them to believe that all things are possible through Christ, the One who began the good work in them.

Lord, on their wedding day, may every word spoken and every precious token remind them of the One who holds all things together and who makes all things good. Together as this couple stands side by side, and hand in hand, hold them tightly and never let them go. Fill their hearts with unceasing gratitude. Be their vision, their strength, and their constant companion.

In Jesus's name,

Family, friends, and love ones, let us pray together:
Gracious Father God, we give you thanks for your gift of enduring love and your presence here with us now as we witness the vows of marriage between (We ask you to bless this couple in their union and throughout their life together as husband and wife.
Keep and guide them from this day forward. In the name of Jesus Christ.

God, for the joy of this occasion we thank you.
For the significance of this wedding day we thank you.
For this important moment in an ever growing relationship, we thank you.
For your presence here and now and for your presence at all times, we thank you.
In Jesus Christ's holy name,

Thank you, God, for the beautiful bond of love that exists between (Thank you for this wedding ceremony with family, friends and loved ones.
We are grateful for your presence with us here today and for your divine blessing on this holy event, the marriage day of (name of groom) and (name of bride).

Heavenly Father, (We ask you to accept the shared treasure of their life together, which they now create and offer to you.
Grant them everything they need, that they may increase in their knowledge of you throughout their life together.
In the name of Jesus Christ,

Our Father, love has been your richest and greatest gift to the world. Love between a man and woman which Today we celebrate that love.
May your blessing be on this wedding service.
Protect, guide, and bless (Surround them and us with your love now and always,

Dear God, thank you for this joyous day.

Thank you for Your Light that has entered NAME and NAME's life.

Thank you for all the miracles and blessings.

Please bless this union.

Help NAME and NAME find the perfect place in this world for their love to flourish.

Let the radiant light of their love shine on all those around them.

May all their future creations be blessed.

God, bless them with the inner gifts of trust, compassion, forgiveness and truth that they may live and grow together in love and peace.
