Prayer For A Wife

O Jesus, lover of the young, the dearest Friend I have, in all confidence I open my heart to You to beg Your light and assistance in the important task of planning my future. Give me the light of Your grace, that I may decide wisely concerning the person who is to be my partner through life. Dearest Jesus, send me such a one whom in Your divine wisdom You judge best suited to be united with me in marriage. May her/his character reflect some of the traits of Your own Sacred Heart. May s/he be upright, loyal, pure, sincere and noble, so that with united efforts and with pure and unselfish love we both may strive to perfect ourselves in soul and body, as well as the children it may please You to entrust to our care. Bless our friendship before marriage, that sin may have no part in it. May our mutual love bind us so closely, that our future home may ever be most like Your own at Nazareth.

O Mary Immaculate, sweet Mother of the young, to your special care I entrust the decision I am to make as to my future wife/husband. You are my guiding Star! Direct me to the person with whom I can best cooperate in doing God's Holy Will, with whom I can live in peace, love and harmony in this life, and attain to eternal joys in the next.

How I thank You for the love my wife has for You Lord, and for the quiet strength she demonstrates in her prayerfulness. Thank You for the example she is to me and to others, of a woman who has placed Jesus at the rightful centre of her life, and home.

Lord, there was a time when I did not understand and was a little confused, irritated and even jealous of her prayer-life, but Lord, thank You for showing me the amazing gift that I have received from You in the person of my praying wife, and also for the amazing grace and gift of prayer that You have bestowed on her.

Lord, just as her prayers have so often sustained me as I have faced some of life's difficulties, I now lift up my precious wife to You in grateful praise asking that You would sustain her and encourage her in her prayer life. Be her rock and support, especially in those times when she may become weary of well-doing. Show me Lord, how I may be supportive toward her and thank You Father, for giving me my praying wife. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord, how I praise You for the gift of my wife. I pray Lord, that day by day she may become mature in the faith, a holy woman of prayer that is growing in grace and in her knowledge of Her Saviour, day by day

Give her the inner strength to carry out her duties both at home and with others, through the power of the Holy Spirit. May her whole body, soul and spirit be kept blameless at the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Thank You for her deep love of the Lord Jesus, and keep her I pray, that she may be alert to the wiles of the evil one and remain in You. May she experience Your love for her and the peace and joy that comes from an intimate relationship with You. May the roots of her faith be secured on the Rock of her salvation as she abides in Christ.

Help my wife and I to be one in You and one with each other, to Your praise and glory. I ask this in the name of Jesus,


Thank You, Lord, for the gift of my dear wife. Lord, I know that a good and virtuous woman is worth more than rubies and precious stones. Help me to be the husband that You would have me be, to encourage her and love her as Christ loved the church, and to think of her needs and wishes before my own.

May I be a encouragement in her life and her covering of protection from the evils of this world. Help me to be sensitive to her needs, knowing that I have often not realised that some of my actions and attitudes have come across as uncaring.

Lord, teach me to be a good husband, a man that is prepared to lead and to listen, a man that is prepared to carry out my duties, both wisely and lovingly, for I desire to take on the role that You have ordained for me in our marriage, in a manner that is well-pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord, Show me how to be a better husband. Sometimes I feel that I have lost the love of my wife. We are so often stressed and tired by daily life. We struggle to find the energy to care for each other. Help us to find the excitement and chemistry of our love again. Help us to connect afresh and communicate better. Inspire my heart to be the first to initiate. Inspire my thoughts to surprise her with attention. I give you the hurt I feel inside sometimes. I ask for forgiveness for the times my words or actions hurt her. With you we can always find new beginnings. With you we can remember the good times and renew our love together. You know us both as individuals and as a couple. You are journeying with us in our marriage. Guide us through this season of difficulty into the warmth of summer. Guide our lives to find new adventures to share together. Remind us both of our first love for each other. Remind me to be the first to forgive, The first to love and the first to act. That she may again fall in love with me. Amen.

Father, Watch over my beloved wife Keep her safe Sing songs of love to her soul Fill her heart Renew her with health and strength Hold her steady Inspire her mind with hope Guide her footsteps Bless her day with happiness and laughter Thank you for her

Dear Father, I love my wife; she is a gift and a treasure to me. I pray that you would follow my wife with goodness and blessing. Fill her with joy in the good times we share. Shower her with good gifts as she gives out to others. Hear her when she cries out in prayer. You love her more, she's your child and precious to you. Please keep my wife safe in your care. Amen.

Lord, THANK YOU for sending me such an incredible partner, best friend and wife. Next to your grace, her love is the greatest gift in my life. Please never let me take her for granted. Help me to love, cherish, respect, adore, and protect her the way that she deserves. I know she's not only my wifeShe's YOUR daughter, and you've trusted me to be her husband. Please help me to love her the way that you love her; being willing to lay down my life for her the way you have done for us.

Father, we live in a world where your daughters are being objectified and used as images for lust and selfish gratification. Please help me keep my eyes and my heart pure in a world of sin and exploitation. Help me have eyes only for my wife. Give her the confidence to know that she'll never have to compete for my attention against an airbrushed image of another woman. Let her know that I'm now and always captivated by her inner beauty and her outer beauty as well.

Please keep her away from the Comparison Trap that would tempt shatter her confidence and replace it with insecurity. Help her know she doesn't need to compare her life or her accomplishments to anyone else's because your plan for her is masterfully unique. Help me to be her biggest encourager and never her biggest critic. Give me the words to say when she needs encouragement and give me the wisdom to know when to shut up and be quiet when she just needs me to listen.

Help me to support her dreams and passions to propel her to achieving all you have for her. For all she will achieve, please don't let her fall into the trap of believing her identity is wrapped up in achievements (or failures), but her identity is secured in your love for her. Never let her lose sight of the fact that she's eternally loved by you and let her find strength in my love for her as well.

Fill her heart with joy. Let laughter fill the soundtrack of our life together. Even in the difficult seasons, help us choose joy as we're reminded that our struggles are temporary, but because of you Lord, our joy will be eternal. Help me be strong for her on the days she's feeling weak, and help her be strong for me on the days I'm feeling weak, and Lord, please give us both strength for all that's ahead. Help us to NEVER lose faith in you or give up on each other.

Thank you, Lord, for my amazing wife! She's a priceless gift to be treasured, and I pray that you'd help me to be a gift to her as well. Please give me the wisdom, courage and strength to be the best husband I can be today and everyday. In Jesus name, Amen.